Show SENATOR ADMITS TAMING TAKING BRIBE illinois lawmaker breaks down and tells grand jury story which may get others other into trouble springfield ill III state Sel senator lator D W of luka broko broke down saturday afternoon and confessed before tho the grand jury of 0 accepting in bribes in the last session of the legis lapitre laii tre and reports followed that eleven state senators and republicans will wil I 1 qu quickly bickly fol follow low the same path said that lie ho was given ghen 2500 to vote toto for william lorimer for foi gena aena tor by senator john Bre braderick derick of chicago who Is a powerful west side politician the the lorimer bribe was made more dramn dramatic tic and ing by bi tho the fact that almost at the same hour senator lorimer was pro claiming himself to be innocent la in a statement before the upper house pale trembling and ner admitted to newspaper piper men at af ter ho be left the jury room that he had confessed and named the chicago sen ator and several other legislators as sharing the corruption the following it Is reported were the bribes confessed to ac cep hepting ting for voting for lorimer for senator 2500 from the general corruption jackpot jach pot 1500 from the deals in desks desha for the legislature 2000 |