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Show fccmjity Reporaer a J is in hisot&4Miesday and I 0 ThursdavJErouK0tol2 a m., and 2 to 5p.m. G.Y.RobbilBJ Marsteller E. DEWTIST m 2442 -- yir - fasluligton Ave., Ogden, jital every WednesLayton day. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Established September, 1903 Capital Stock, 0 come to work in Adams Brothers butcher shop as had been agreed upon, but instead has gone to Pocatello. Dr. W. Eugene Marsteller, our visiting dentist, has decided to move his family Ivero this month having secured the residence for one year, at least, from Jed Ilud Doc is a booster try and son. keep him here. Elder J, P. Ellison, who returned from the Western States mission, about a year and a half ago, on account of ill health, was at the D. & R. G. Ry. depot ready to take his departure again for the mission field, when he was released to remain honorabiy He had been out in the home. mission field twenty months when lie came home before. Airs. Walsh of Omaha, who has been here for about six weeks, to receive medical treatment, is improving. Dr. Marsteller has moved his dental parlors from Washington street Ave, to 336 Twenty-fiftOgden. When the board of directors of the Queen Dairy Co, met recently to organize, Frank Nalder of Syracuse was chosen president; M F. Adams, James Whitesides, secretary and treasurer. The company is building a refrigerator plant which will be one of the finest of its kind in the state and the only one outside ot Salt Lake. The Woodmen lodge will elect new officers, this Saturday night. x w. & MORGAN CITY NEWS. The Misses Cora and Loom Coolbear went to Sat Lake today. A weekly newspaper published in iee ereamat Jhe Cooljfl ear's """ the interests of Morgan county Cafellakery every day and colonies made up of Morgan is Mrs. John Turner Visiting in county people. this wek. Farmington The wife of Dnr Visick is visit-iifSubscription price, $1.30 per year her parent in Coalville. 23c extra for postage to Canada and 30c to foreign countries iOet jjm license from G. Y M O MI Robbins t other than Mexico and HawaiMrs. James Taggart and family ian Islands. home to Coalville after inch returned 30c peDisplay advertising a month. lengthy visit at Morgan. per 10c line. in Ads The only place that Coolbear "s locals, per the 3c line for Ice Cream can be gotten is at his per Reading ads, first and 3cts per line for subse- resident where it is now opened quent insertions. for the season. one animal notices G3e; , Estray The jury eases of Joseph S, 35c for each additional animal Welch et al. vs the U. P. Ry Co and 23c for each brand when il and C. A. Smith vs. the U. P Ry has to he engraved. Will . Co; both eases for killing cattle be inserted in Davis County which had been set for trial on Clipper, which has a circula- June 1st, were continued for the tion of over 1,500 Copies per term. week. Everybody invited to send in LAYTON LINES. items of news. For the present Mrs. Thomas Wall, who had a address, Davis County Clipgathering in her side following a per, Bountiful, Utah. surgical operation, is now able to Entered as second class matter walk around some in her home She had been under the doctor's July 9, 1909. care for about three weeks with this last ailment. Leonard Sandall. Davis county7 s famous, base ball pitcher who has been employed for the with the Sugar City team season 1 is moving his boarding place from outSugar City to Rexburg. He will live with Dr. Shoupe, who former No Iv practiced in Bountiful. long ago. Mr. Sandall was instrumental in helping his team win an B. CROUCH important game in Idaho Falls. Cat on Wall went up Webbs canyon, the middle of the week hunting bear. E. II. Farley has started a He makes cheese factory here. 300 of cheese a day about to you we pounds John OBrien, the well known cheese-inakeis in charge of the to our--v MORGAN POST John Stahle, Jr., Publisher. ,$25,000.00 Does a general banking business. We pay 4 J5er cent on savings accounts, ,An t e r e s t compounded l quarterly. Deposits received h any sum from $1 up. Why not f jfen an account with us, and establish the habit of saving a little from the present income, it will be needed after whila James Pingh.ee, President.' . Joseph Williams, L. J. Hatch, Cashier. Vice-Pres- al-- vice-presiden- house, brick mercantile store, granary and buildings, with 5 acres first class land half Jmile west of Morgan district. Big Enquire h. Bargain f tvU A 6-ro- om , & F ve I! possibly make good selves. We guarantee your absolute satisfaction when you buy (T cymxyr TTF, after you have bought a suit of these clothes, you find that they arent all you have been ledro ex- IF they do not hold theif shape IF the style and make and fit isnt satis- pect factory, bring them back aria vve will refund your money. This broad and liberal guarantee shows, the absolute faith we have in the intrinsic vjiue of our clothes. There are no bey te clothes made than these. You wiljf jfcel as we do after you have worn one in our suits. Bug killer 25c, hug powder 13e bug-gun- s Layton Drug Co. 10c The ear of bees which had been expected to arrive, here from California for some time past, got here Friday. A Mr. Lewis came with them and will remain here this summer to rob them as often as occasion may require. The hives were divided into three lots One lot as taken to J. R. Hudsons, another to Oscar Carlos and the third to Andy Adams'. Mrs. Fred Harris and infent daughter expect to leave the hospital, this week. A son was horn at the hospital to Mr. and Mrs Del Unison of Blaekfoot, Idaho, one day Iasi week. Veruou 11:13. son of Frank Jtib. who broke his am some tim ago is now all right again. which C. J. Weavers houv had been under quarantine, has been released. Lawrence Thoru-lo- ' s littfe child that hal diphtheria having recovered Vr and and Mrs. Thornley ived in a portion of Mr Weaver's rcsiderco. Al Domans home, which had Icon under quarantne for smallpox, has been released. Murray Cow lev i. engaged as day operator an I clerk, on tne 0 S L. Ry.. at Milk'd City. Peter Ilirngnria and wife re- turned home, Saturday, $18.50 to $40.0 th8,atest Ladies Shoes Ladies Silk Dre Wash Skirts, S Waists, Voil SKirts Suits arid-.Was- h . will be shown in my show window this week. Come and see the line. A. W. FRANCIS.. IlSkSSSl J tber particulars. CARD TIME UNION-PACIF- IC For Sale. Good tomato plants. Godfrey Bell Bountiful. Woolslayer, t phone In effect April 17, 1910 : the East Arrive at Morgan No. 10 No. 4 . .ZZ. . . yZ.. . . . No. p. m. 44-1- Lost. Cattle of all description ; brand ed with horizontal bar on left shoulder or ribs or the bar straight up and down on left ribs Reward for any information. C E. Pace, 67 Wall Street, Salt Lake City. Bell phone Main 2826 4 :44 a, in. 4:54 a. tn. 10:18 a. m. 3 0 a. m. 8 :00 Morgan for the West Arrive No. fr9:28 9 THE PEOPLE OF MORGAN COUNTY. 7 Portland Rose Festival. Would you like to live in beauh Portland, Ore., June tiful Davis codntj? We have 1910. reduced rates via Oregon sell-iproperty neair Salt Lake. Come Short Line. Seeetc.agents for dates, rates, down or yrhfe to usi 6th-llt- n . A. So.roughbred Hatch R7E. Co., Bountiful, Utah. , YSj Island Red Eggs for Ai larrison and Wade Rhode Sale, 14 for $1.00. We guarantee our eggs to be Builders and Contractors pure bred. The hensaife Poulter There are 8 of us. Some special stoeft. The roosterfrom Blackists on brick laying, others on man Griffin, jfc Oaen, Utah. coble rock and.ceihent blocks as MiaLoiders Jfrvea prompt well as cement foundations. Calfand see our birds. Write or phfcWe T. J. Hsrrison. ir Jr4, BountifulfUtah., WBell phone . t Carrigan Bros., 54-3- PETERSON. UTAH. complete line of dinnerware just received. We have se- lected two elegant patterns of A Recovery of Lost Standards. curious expel iment was once male to determine whether a lost standard could be recovered by purely pei zonal efforts. The assumption was made that the standard of length was lost. One hundred operatives and others accustomedto dealing with meas-u- . emails were asked to give by estimate their ideas of what th given standard was in other words, to guers at length of the meter. It was sound that the guesses were most accurate for lengths of about six inches that small lengths were underestimated and larger ones were overestimated. Taking the average of the 103 subjects the result varied bat a few one thousandths from the truth. A best semi-porcela- ware. in . . . Come anejook over the stock; it isfsuto nlease. Also a fine lintf of fancy china in stock, Prices are right. At the Canrons Mouth. At the storming of a fort, when sea tirg ladders had been placed, an Irish -- from tin: ir honeymoon trip to the eiist They hod been gone a month. E. P. Ellison went to Canada Saturday. 1 is son. Lawrence E Ellison and wife accompanied him there. Laverd Pingree of Ogdey K looking after the First National jhank here during Cashier L. E Ellison's absence in Canada It is understood that the ward is to he Sunday. Bishop 1). B. Harris bar iug resigm d some time ago Spine people think that M. F Adams word i make a tine bishop Mr. and 31 rs. W. II. Ellis, who lived in Pocatello, for a number of years, have recently moved to Og'feo. Die Dibble found a trout 13 inches long, in a ditch running through his place Monday. Tin fish had come out of the Web r river through the Davis county canal. 31 rs. George W. Layton was adjudged insane by Drs. Whitlock and Heath She was taken to the mental hospital at Proto by Slmr-it- f Ware, Thursday of last Week. E. J. King and Miss Ethel Adams were married, Wednesday. Fred Fox of Srjlt Lake did not Lay-to- Tteino? 3t Excursions to Salt Lake City June 2d to 5th, inclusive, via For Sale Hoouse aud lot of Mr A W Oregon Short Line for ConvenYdung-Ladie- s Heines. Applpto JosepltS Welch tions Young Mens .and Mutual Improvement Ast sociations. See Morgan, Utah. agents for fur V k private, with one foot on the ladder. vas about to climb up whefi a young d flicer stepped before him. sayirg: Officers first, my lad Follow me, for this is where Victoria crosses are earned." The private followed close behind him, but on reaching the top a round shot carried the subalterns head away and his body fell back. Pat, gracing the ladder and swing ing aside as if .to allow those behind him to piss, Shouted: negorrah, now is there any more of yez below thats May 28 anxious for the Victoria cross 1 J. Williams t buggies. i) . g. I Full trained, broWen or balFancy lines of buggies, automoj, bile seats and-- . detachable tops; anced colts, as.wMi as ready to at Studerbakecs Joe hasome race. Apply or yfudress J. K. t Co., Utah, daisy bariaium secoriu hand Fry, Kaysviller)avis Phil-istme- r, cheese-makin- t; No Time to Experiment. The lecturer on Biblical tribes knew his subject, but he was weak on pro nunciation One word that always floored him was Philistines. He could never remember fqr five minutes what the dictionary had to say about that At every spech he switched the Recent from the ultimate co the penult and antepenult and all the way back again, and gave the last "i the English and continental sounds impartially. One night at a public school lecs ture he started with (long and ail the gradually rang J) changes possible except Phili-stine- s When he got ready (continental to use the word again he paused. It was the fatal pause, for it gave the mildly inebriated man at the rear of the room a chance to say: Go slow, mister. Youve only got one more try dont make good cant Horses Trained. k piX - h an, Get a Home! FOR SALE For Sale n , Anc'ent Iceland. Iceland was founded A. D S74, from Norway. It was' such a wholesale colonization of picked men as had not been seen since ancient Greek times, and was not to be seen again until Winthrop sailed into Mrssnchusetts bay. It was not long before the population of Iceland was 30,000. Their sheep and cattle flourished. hay crops were heavy, a lively trade with fish, oil, butter and skins in exchange with meal and mail was IceDt iip with Norway, Denmaik and tie Biitish isles. Political freedom was unimpaired, justice was faitly Wvll administered, naval superiority pt ai! fees at a distance, and under iich ecu dt'ons the gewth of the new onimurcty in wealth and culture was urp.vg!y rapid .John Dske New goods constantly 'arriving. Orders for goods not in stock promptly filled, Latest styles at lowest prices. -- e .TTSsTI MORE TROUBLE Henefer. For the present, address: Mor gan Post, care of Davis county clipper, BOUNTIFUL, Utah. Remember that the name of the town begins with the second letter in the alphabet; namely, B. We have our reasons for empha sizing this. copy should be mailed not later than Wednesday. Utah Morgan, Correspondents Wanted-ThPost would like two or three good correspondents from each town in Morgan county and with Irrigation Boot: pThe problem has v been solved by the creation of the Best Boot on Earth BALL BRAND : t The Cash Store. |