Show city and country children according to william S sadler nf D I 1 a will well chicago physician tile child that la Is reared in a suburban Is 19 ranch better oft off as regards health morals and happiness than I 1 15 his city cousin in tho the course of a strong paper in on suburban life dr sadler says next to pure air there Is probably no influence so influencing child growth and health ila aa sunlight children arr ar just as dependent upon sunlight for health tind and growth ae are pla plants rits and I 1 lack ack of 0 sunshine uti produces loth plants and babies are aie pole pale sickly and emaciated it la is tle the glorious sunshine that paints the bloom it f health upon the cheeks ot of both the bud and alifi babe the vital resistance avabe of babies and nd children against dis ise ase Is ia largely proportional to the amount of time they are aie able to spend out of 0 doors in the sunshine |