Show ITAL ITIE PJ 1 I A 1 I r it Is no wonder people want to get oe married when they see what beautiful wedding silver we display sterling Sterl ln silver wedding presents may be had ha of us from two or three dollars up 10 t the elaborate alver services cost costan nu hundreds of dollars all solid big bl value wl with t h 0 our ur unea unequalled unequal u fled led guarantee MAI st SALT laka clit PIN RINT Is the newest town in idaho idabo it will lie bo opened early curly in juno with dale of lots and excursion onCi on oregon regon short li file no new branch bra to be completed to that point at the sumo samo rn 1 I I 1 the wonder state of I 1 the ho west has developed in the th last five years thousands thou santin of now acres aci cs and homes li onies do you fisli to live and thrive in it a really NEW TOWN if ho be ask about merchants of all kinds are wanted there hero ut at once now Is your opportunity write for booklet to W if scott gen manager Pin pingree niree townsite Town sile company vassa pingree filigree idaho asas or jas F burton secretary ogden utah THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO 10 G iw 02 0 IS VIA BEETH 7 ha E V 41 D A RM DEETH ii 1 anly 6 y fis miles miler from JARBIDGE and is on t lit 0 main line of both the southern the West trin pacific railroad j a I 1 AND D WOMEN to learn in tuition with net of dl tools bifi 55 with partial a ret 0 t 0 ot 1 bonim W with your owr myn tool cools as adar address a mn moler 0 arbor college 13 street sall bait lake laka city utah made mad in utah AX W E SUIT SUITCASES CASES LEATH i eli GOODS benr H FN 1 FO it cara LOG ft iCH CUnHS TRUNK FACTORY a al AID street huilt at I 1 ale ake olty city utah RUBBER STAMPS IS ua stencils ditc itc full line rubber typo outfits and supplies in stock mall abail orders pro prompt petitt attention tion SALT ALT LAKE STAMP CO salt lake ll 11 city QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE PERUNA RUNA RU R UN NA E julla marlowe 1 I am kil glad to walto my endorse ment meat of theL great remedy peruna penina 1 I do 0 o so most heartily 11 julia aulta marlowe any remedy that benefits digestion strengthens ane nerves tho the nerve centers require nutrition if the digestion is impaired tho the nerve centers bl become come anemic all and d nervous debility dobill ty Is the result PARKERS PARKER S HAIR BALSAM cie t I 1 anil 4 if th tin wt n a truth ah bover full fhe to linit tore ory gray amir to its southall You I 1 it so y tute thompsons Thomp sons eyo eya water 10 children especially like the sweet to astie flavour of rust T sties crisp fluffy bits of perfectly ripe white corn cooked rolled and then toasted to an appetizing brown served with cream and sometimes fruit this dainty food pleases the whole family give the home folks a treat the memory linkers lingers packages and ise CEREAL COMPANY ltd I 1 I 1 battle cik I 1 |