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Show TO SUCCESSOR VOL. XV. THE MORGAN, UTAH, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1910. LIGHTS ELECTRIC Post Favors Citizens Incorporating Co. to Distribute Electricity-B- uy in Bulk from Manufacturers. it in Morgan, no doubt, is now discussing the electric light proposition and whether it would be advisable to bond the city to buy an interest ia the plant proposed to be built in Hardscrabble canyon by the Slusser-McCormic- Now people. k the Post would consider it more advisable for the people of the whole county to incorporate a company to build distrib uting systems in each town and not build either a steam nor a water power generating plant. Then the generating companies would be competing concerns and the distributing company could buy the electricity in bulk from whichever company that would sell it the cheaper. Besides it is the generating plant that costs the money. One serious objection to the city bonding to get the electric lights is that they cannot build lines and furnish lights outside of the city. Coalville has had this kind of an experience. The system does not pay because they cannot market their surplus electricity outside of the city. In Bountiful the people formed a company as here suggested and buy their electricity in bulk and retail it to the people in and out of the city. It has been a perfect success. If the citizens form a company then therecould be no objections to the city limits being cut down if it should later be deemed advisable. '! four miles to get The rural delivery out of Morgan only goes down as far as Peterson, S. 0. Rolliiis, who saw Trackwalker Mahoney who was killed above Gateway by being struck says his by a passenger train, The mutilated. was badly body body was hurled from seventy-fivto one hundred feet down, track. The haiklbilP was reduced to kindling wi)od. Penman, the section Henry foreman from Gateway who had his leg badly injured when his hand ear and a west bound passenger ear collied, Friday, was improving nicely at last accounts go from two to their mail. i Florence DRahoney of Petersen, Track Walker, .Killed on U. P. Trying to Save .Hand-Car. Olsens. Andrew Poison, Jr., was in town for a few days. Mrs. Allie Rice is going to California this summer for her health. c irl Gordear was down from the plant, Tuesday. Lyman Mecham was in Ogden, Thursday. Mrs- cellia Rices school closed Tuesday with a nice program. Mrs. Agnes Jensen is visiting a daughter and son at the plant. - Subscriber. Schools Clo8d "Today. , All of the schools of Morgan . . - e years old .and uwnaraef--H- a was born at Kinsale county, " cork, Ireland. fast going He had resided at Peterson for The Weber river down. Paint Mail Boxes White. twenty-fivyears and worked on Thomas Ford moved his wife Post Office Department, Fourth the railroad. Assistant Postmaster General up here from Centreville, recentMORGAN CITY COUNCIL ly. She will spend the summer 1910: Washington, March MOUNTAIN GREEN. is county close today. e f 31, here. Ford Brothers and U. E. France are shipping several carloads of baled hay to Salt Lake, this week. An effort is being made by the road officials to improve the mud-hol- e in the county road, below town. , So much stock being driven up from the lower valley has put the road in a rather bad condiThey tion through the canyon. cause the loose rock' to roll down into the road from the side hills. John W., Phillip and Albert Ford of Centreville came up to their ranch a few days ago. and are busy haling hay. There are a lew ground squirrels below the mouth of the canyon, but not enugh to do any harm. But this reminds one of how near the pest came of devastating Morgan county, a tew years ago. The large stream of water which crosses the county road below here certainly ought to have some kind of a bridge built over it, as it is necessary now tor automobiles and bicycles to plunge through the water and people on foot have to cross on the railroad track. and Mrs. A. C. Wari'eu who had contemplated moving to Idaho, have now decided tq reMr. main here this summer. E. W. France is building a new hay barn 26x70 feet. 5lrs. S. 0. Hollins returned last week from a visit with relatives in Centreville. Kippcn Brothers shipped their this years wool clip last week They shipped a carload of line wool which brought 23 cents per pound. It only brought 21 cents a pound last season. Kippcn Brothers have a herd of about 2,00(1 head. The people of this place are talking of trying to get a rural free delivery There are about a dozen families here who have to 9 The Postmaster: Hlr : It is the desire of the department that yon earnestly request patrons of rural delivery out of your office to paint their boxes and the posts to which they are attached a pure white color. This course, if pursued, will not only result in benefit to the patron in serving to protect his box and post from damage by the weather, but will give all boxes a uniform color and serve to fix their identity in all parts of the county as United States mail boxes, and will give them a much The 31 organ city council met Monday evening, May 2, 1910. and transacted the following business: W. J. Wright was permitted to have his license dated from May 1, 1910, instead of from the first of the year, as he is lame and had not been able to do much business, upon the payment of $15. The Morgan Drug Co. was three months license granted upon the payment of $30. Mrs. 0. Wadsworth was grained a six months license, comto run a with 1st, May mencing neater and sightlier appearance restaurant, upon the payment of than they now possess. It is also .$2.70. desired that patrons be induced .Mrs. Emma Stuart was granted to imprint their names and box a six months license, to run a honumbers on boxes in black letters tel or rooming house, upon' the about two inches high. payment of $5.35. It is also desired that you enE. Ilardy was granted a deavor to induce road officials to three months license to run paint upon the posts of boxes three pool tables upon the paywhich are located at crossroads ment of $15. David Coolbear was granted a (but not attach signs thereto) li the names of the towns or vil- twelve months merchants lages to which the crossroads cense, upon the payment of $5. Claim of the Morgan Ditch Co.. lead, with an indicator showing the direction. for the citys portion of indebtedPosts to which boxes should bo ness for three years, amounting attached .shall be set in an easily to $2.60, was allowed. accessible position at the side of Claim fo $3.90 for the road and boxes securely fas- etc., for the use of the janitor, tened to a projecting arm of was allowed. Claim of the wood, or to a bracket of hand store, for of an oil. etc., the citys iron about portion inch thick, or, if preferred, an amounting to 75c., was allowed s of the automatic extension arm may be The county pays used. cost of the things used about the court house; such as brooms, oil Kespecfully, a 1 , step-ladde- r, Co-o- p three-sixteent- two-third- P. V. DeGRAW, Fourth Assist Postmaster Genl etc. The citys prtion of a bill from store for $2.10, amountthe was allowed. to 70c, ing Co-o- p Five Dollars Reward Claim of J. W. Williams To any person giving testimony sufficient to convict any person Sons Co., amounting to $2.70 to or persons breaking into Wm. for lumber, was referred back, be itemized. Wright's house at Syracuse and of M. W. "Williams Claims stealing and damaginghis pro- amounting to $3.15, for alleged perty twice within a month; farm damages by city workmen in his pijie line, while and bouse being locked. Wm. smashing . eitv water 'works D. on the working Wright, Farmington & R-F- cil -- by scientific shakings at the between the hours: m3.' 5 :30 and 7 :0) p. m. This. tllMwry is based upon sound reasmrwBg- ami strong evidence.. In Curd . when one sees the firnr imprint a rubber-soleshoe in theleading frmo the museum c Imrn -one is naturally led. d The committee thought one Do not overlook the fact that that would hold ahmit 10,000 gal-nthe season is advancing, and that size. would be about the right you may soon need a mower and He stated the water would he rake. Clearfield Mercantile Co. very iniu'h and purer. Plans and eririeint for a Sale the coum-d- . Mr. Butters a- l- -- A. A, lh. D., F R S G S cwMil he deceived by, a mere aypliw tion of the principles of sfcnaav M. E., s - warn- - usual has been maviug arouiwl era,- side. It certainly must have be a mistake of some geology' st-- -; dent and not a fault of Nitanwr that produced the seisniogrurpiair record of last Monday, t lie instrument is always in ning. Order B-it is hard to believe that Minch. m-r- . To, the conclusion that something: Butters of the committee reported to the city council that tilt committee bad visited the source of the city water supply and that they would recommend that the city have a reservoir constructed, hut not too large so that it would cost too reservoir, which Erigirieer Bdaph. - d ion : . T. W. For . 'he 'quake in question, special meeting of tin several others, have been council to Morgan cii. held Made. hursday evening, Max 5th, it was decided to build a city reservoir of cement to co.-in the It will neighborhood of $400. have a capacity of 10,000 gallons. The dimensions are, 12x16 feet and eight feet deep. The following is what was started at a former meeting of 'the eitv council when the reservoir question was up for considern-- t Two 31 second hand farm wagons. Studebaker branch, Layton t For Sale Cheap, one Woods mowing maand wagon. John chine, home of Henry w. Stahle, Sr., at t Stahle, Bountiful. ) a I Step is said to fall twenty-fivthe mile. Added to this, the train was two hours late. The train crew never knew that they had run any one down until they heard about it later. The remains remained on the scene of the accident until in the afternoon as James Williams, the coroner, was out of town. When he came, he and health officer) John Green, did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest. Father Cunningham of Ogden came up and took charge of the body which was taken to Richies undertaking parlor where funeral services were held Monday, at 2 p. m. Deceased was seventy-on- RESERVOIR cut occasions that the CEMENT At resume his work. Mrs. David iStoiter, Jr. is qut The grade through the canyon sick with pleurisy. feet to 40. people have come to the U as a place disturbance. The The Morgan City Council Decide to Monday night was Spend About 3400 for the Becording to the Geological Ihqiatflt-nientby a shifting of the tterment of Water Supply. fault plane north of the city. W-have a different theory. We The re. 'order was iiisiructed to pay the bank $16 dm it in inter os, on a certain note. The mayor and recorder were authorized to renew a certain note with the bank, which had expired. Maor Craliam reported that Soxion Cook hud resigned and aimed Xu away. cessor was appointed. Ti Was reported that ahmlt fifty rods of the fence around the .North Morgan cemetery needed repairing. The committee was authorized to ascertain what the necessary repairs would cost. Mayor was granted the privilcertain dead ege of removing trees along Main street and having certain live trees topped, ning. Mav 5th. Florence D 'Mahoney, for ten or twelve years section foreman at Gateway and Peterson, hut at this time, track walker, was instantly killed, a little over a half a mile above Gateway, in Weber canyon, last Friday mnrning. He was on a handcar with section Foreman Penman and his crew going east and while going around a curve. No. 3 west bound MILTON, UTAH. train appeared. It was Nels Olsen is building a seven passenger so close when they saw it and roomed residence. coming at such a high rate of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. c.ranor are speed that the men all jumped CLEARFIELD, UTAH. for weeks. few a and ran out of the way except visiting parents Charles Smith, Jr. has comMr. cranor is working for Roy 1) Mahoney who stopped to help his work as census enuthe section boss try to save the pleted Thurston. secmerator The handcar and was kiiied. Ephraim White&r is the happy Ntn lerhaker single and double father of a nice baby girl; mother tion foreman was also so badly harness are made from the best of injured that it is thought it will leather and by the most skilled and baby doing nicely. be a week or two before he can workmen. in and examine. Mrs- - Nels Olsen is visiting her daughter at the plant. David Hansen is geing to bid farewell to. Milton. He is going to join the welldiggers union. Miss Violet , Southern is visiting for a short time at Mr. Nels No. ret erred to the watermastcr SERVED MASTER TO END was his A ( ). K. for e Everybody p MIRROR-MONITO- to a huge bhwfc m3" and st rain cement. If we have failed tomaAg-ou- r theory clear we adviser n cnmr saltation will, some student r made bv in tered geology nine. Ttar-hown to Chronicle. t ' w-- r- s -- stated that MARRIAGE LICENSES. . claim an interest in the spring that the Mty get its Marriage licenses haves water from . namely, 'cently been issued in Faurtakagg-- t hours everv eight daxs. m to the following couple;. The stated gentleman Thomas F. Harmon, age 55L. when the time came for these peoand Annie M. Erickson, age For Sale Cheapple to take the water that they of Salt Lake City-Paboth Surrey with pole. S. J. Hart, did so, he thought principally to Angell, age 26, of Sa&'-LakJr., Bountiful. Bell phone 2511. hold their right. He was of the City, and Ruth Pearssrw, . opinion that if these people's Wanted. rights were ackiiM ledger! by the age 25, of Chicago, I1L L ' , Boy about seventeen years ol eitv that they would not he so John R. Canning, age 21 anxious when the water for their , who understands gardening an San Francisco, and Clara Meyer-,turn comes,- - wiised to "handling a team. . of Salt Lake City,- -. It1 wa4 'stated that if the city age 24, ford Tuttle, Bountiful. I). C. Charles Bird, age 40, ami May had a reservoir large enough to Rhone. store the surplus water that the Rooney, age 49, both of Salt LakeCity. city would always have plenty. Fine Farm for $4,000. The advisability of not permitSwen Bayard Freed, age oi ' $4,000 will purchase 231 acres with lawn sprinkling city Eureka, and Annie McCreery. of land with 80 acres now in fall ting water was talked of, but no conage 29, of Robinson, Jnab Co. mile from clusions wheat, located were arrived at, except school. Good buy. Write Arthur that Mayor Graham suggested WIT AND WISDOM. Stayner, M.alad City, Ida. that the citizens should be as savIf you have something to dkt ing of file water as possible and tomorrow, do it today. For Sale. should irrigate their lawns from f The Creator gave you tux J city lot, 1 block from the creek wherever it is possible Main street- - Best building lot ears and only one tongue, so that eon Id hear twice as much a that is for sale in Bountiful. See He .favorer! using iswhat surplus for lawns you F. B. Smodley at Holbrook Smed-le- city water there speak. you Furniture Co., Bountiful. sprinkling flowers, etc., high up The tree near the door cuts where irrigation water cannot be Utah off the view of a vast strip of had. in the distance. Tin watermastcr stated that land For Sale adds nothing to the piety It the citizens had been allowed of the A few second-hanparrot, that he has learned top buggies twenty minutes each day to sprinand single harness. Terms reas- kle their lawns. Five tit, liars per to pray. Saw your own wood-pilanf onable. Studebaker branch house year is charged for water for wood pile he business. let that for extra and use $1.25 house t Layton. Forgetfulness is the malady lawns. not of marking. The water years expires July UNIQUE IDEA FOR GATEPOST On the great clock of time 1st. Xowt but one xvord Constructed of Stones, Each One of All parties claiming interests in theres all Manhood titles. Which Represents a Friend of oertops the city springs had been invited blossoms Do the Owner to not plant try to attend this special meeting adornand bring all papers with them instead of seeds. Unique and interesting ments to a suburban home are the containing agreements,, contracts Many a pointed thing has--entrance posts leading to Cheerynook, etc., hut no one been written with a dull pen. appeared. hay-rak- e 5.., - ul - 1-- 4 One-hal- y 3 d e , a bungalow on Long island. said the returned visitor. The low stone dike which surrounds the property is Correspondents Wanted-Thterminated by two huge pillars, which Post would like two or seem to welcome the coming guest. Each stone in this gate post repre- three good correspondents from sents a friend of the owner. While each town in Morgan county and the dike was being built I was invited out to spend the week end. I was llenefer. For the present, address: Mortaken down to a heap of bowlders In the back garden and asked to make a Post, care of Davis county selection. After that my host took gan Utah. BOUNTIFUL, me to his toolroom, where, with in- clipper, struments of all sizes, I was requested Remember that the name of the to carve my name, the date and place town letbegins with the second of birth on the stone. I was invited out again last week and found that ter in the alphabet; namely, B. all the carved bowlders from ariou We have our reasons for emphafriends had been set into the gate sizing this. posts, and I must say they have Copy should be mailed not later formed a truly Interesting monument to friendship. than Wednesday. farmer gave ihe follow-in- g advice to his son who was about to depart from home t make his own way thru life: Keep your feet warm and your--' head cool, your mouth shut and your eyes open; and you will her all right.. An old Dun In Rime. and I and an O and a UL With an X at the end spell So, And an E and a Y and an K spell I, Bray what is a speller to dot Then if also an S and an I muL If an S a O And an II E D spell side. is nothing mudi left for There How Glass Affects Bacteria. to do Utah. speller Peterson, From the investigations of a GerBut to go and commit siouxey--sigheiA daughter was born to Mr. man scientist, it appears that bacieria are affected favorably or otherwise and Mrs. Harry Osborne, last A Little of Everything- by the character of the glass contain- week. ing the water in which they are suspended. Marked differences in the Breathes there a man. wit h soci. behavior of cholera germs were noted, EARTHQUAKES. so dead recording to the. kind of glass composThose Who never to himself has said, frequently. Happen ing the vessels used. The degree of As he in stubbed his toe agami4C have local nature h.v to the glass strictly imparted alkalinity the bed; the water 4s believed to be an impor- been recorded on the university m nt tant factor in. these experiments. see'ismograph upon so many differ L . - - i ... I HU' |