Show DONT FORGET in your not no t cl ceery ri order gently but farm ly on oil hewlett 8 teas the enjoyed will repay aepli y you for the trouble tro ume X hewlett bross co AT K or OP gj A good suit suil costs say A good watch costs say you wear the suit sill t six months you yet carry the watch twenty years or more figure the comparative cost bost why dont men carry better watches wo we sell better watches THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO JARBIDGE IS VIA DEETH NEVADA DEETH it is only 65 miles mile from ram JARBIDGE wid and Is ii on en the in jiin in line lin of both the southern South pacific and nd the western pacific railroads CRAGER WIRE IRON WORKS STATE STREET SALT LAKE mt CITY taft Tt fT i e 1 i C I 1 F hz the aloe above e one 0 ol 01 I 1 the anany different designs of iron fence we e manufacture tor for resi re dence cemetery lots and public build buildings lugs write lor for catalogue catal onue and prices MEN AND to le learn WANTED Bar darber berTrade trade in Eight Weeks tuition with of tao 65 ju tuition ution with partial set bet nt fit toola VS fifi address MOHLER R BARBER COLLEGE 13 commercial street talt salt lake I 1 atlie OILY utah RUBBER STAMPS 11 5 EALS AIMES STENCILS TRADE M lull fall line rubber bubber type and in stock block mall orders rel attelin attel ln SALT BALT LAKE STAMP CO salt salt like lake city COLD AFFECT THE KIDNEY S 1 ff I 1 I 1 R A 1 ell 0 r I 1 fop K 7 R RR of KI your liver is IS clogged up why youre tired out of 3 sort orts have no appetite CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put ut you right H in a F few w day d botsh CARTUS I 1 they y do kiy their duty H IV ER cure cui WW PI cati Y tine bo bil 09 br A tn less effs indigestion mj and si scicli fiu ILI SKAU oost DOV SHALL MAU filce GENUINE must beir beat signature i atiz PUTNAM color nir or goods bright and nd faster colors colon than you tt can do aty warmest without mart apart arito vur F tied cysts my hayfi eyelash and all kyan yes that nel need ne l care car try murli eye halve asel tle tic trial siz klap L ac ask ak your druk klat gist or write martna eye remedy ner neily co calago ch lago kirn ayr p r mid n LW MV 0 dl 4 sarsaparilla will purify your blood clear your complexion restore your appetite relieve your tired feeling build you up dc be sure to take it this spring let it tit in usual liquid form or choco tablets called Sanata bH dom doma a L many things combine to make home cheerful but no one thing plays so important import a part as artistic taste in wall decoration beautiful cleat cleanly jy and wholesome is jya bailine ba prito wt we hove have idea on no color ha harmonica clulo oil d that will I 1 li arft t the house owner these ideas trove Inive cost coit us ir money but are f fre 1 r you ask aik your dalar or writ direct Ala bastine co grand girand rapids mich BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED A ilia cletur iii chin fl A hlll be t aln lii iino imley yet fry y fiur blazor strop dr IM profi 11 d on nt ut I 1 e mau linor no amra e b 11 or it krand d Z mum mu m or foil 1111 ey luik benil 10 ulu a f fur bu bux ud 4 eulS C in fl BAILEY 93 99 franklin streel new york idalia LAND aln rn uin 1 I idy 4 1 is aiji m a kte wlllie M 4 11 t iam af i f we ihli I 6 ni dinow 11 nurlin um of asp idah tn I 1 I 1 I 1 for anor kiili anvill t it n not worn iwu d aldr wy ill I 1 U iknou F V to k will 4 STARCH irela ire lr milb ala alou W N U salt lake city no na 17 1910 facts for weak women nine tenths of 0 oil A tile the sickness of 0 women Is 1 due to some lonie der derani fernent nent or die dicine ol of the organs feminine such sickness can t be cu cured in cured every day clay by dr pierces favorite ri prescription it If falces women strong Stron Jf women well we it acts directly on the he organs affected and la Is at the ho some same time a general rotor tive live tonio for or the v whole hole system it cures curd female complaint right ini in tile the privacy ol of home it makes jary the disagreeable questioning examinations and nil local treatment so BO uni verbally insisted upon by doctor duc torill and to so abhorrent to every ever y modest woman we oshall not particularize liero as to tho the symptoms of those choie peculiar affections incident to women but those lioio banting full information ni ms to their heir symptoms symptom and means of positive cure are referred to the peoples Ie opler corn mon men sense medical adviser 1008 pages paci newly revised h and up to date dalo edition sent lent free on receipt ol of 21 one cent stamps to cover cent ol of mailing niall ln only or in cloth binding for 31 address dr it V pierce batalo ni idilo NY fl hakl A f w hr the tb corn a rm planting Plan H tind i 1 iv 1 nf V JA AA X JK lemaa aar are ll may t nome of f thein c pl tiit midy ay 1 lie lnla late it your ho 6 II 11 limu in r CURE 1 IH yur tru tiivi alq r 1 n cairn ar no arll it anil nd 1100 tl 00 1 I t I 1 4 amx to anil ni 4 botu loii do dirae I 1 mr ti is tivi the tha co 0 hoilien Oo ilien h led lad USA A AN UP TO DATE do you realize there is no longer any reason why yu qu should use a coal range oil Is cheaper than coal it ay iy is S lighter and easier to handle and gives an intense heat provided you have the right stove oil is more econom economical ica cleaner ani and less trouble have you seen tho the new aft AM N the accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of its appearance you really cant appreciate it until you either cither use it yourself or tall talk to someone who has baa used bied it it does everything that a coal tango will do except beat the room the new perfection oil cook stove will do anything from beating a ettla kettle of 0 water ate r to cooking a course dij isiha dinner but it wont beat a room it T 11 JI il smell it smoke it ll lk cant get out of order light it and it is 3 ready turn it down and it is out only a woman who knows know the trouble M of 0 carrying coal and coling in a hot bilby ss kitchen can appreciate what it means to have ave a cican i perfect stove that will cook boil bake toast roast land and I 1 4 CM anything or pi yet wont heat beat the kitchen how Is it done the flarria fl arric Is controlled in tur ati I 1 ip qubie blue enamel chimneys anil and i fr l ja a directed against the bottom of rot pot paso pan MEP jf I 1 kettle or oven and only y there ellere the tb berisf W K ato flame operates exactly where it is needed ff esy and nowhere else with this stove your litchen is cool y wa v the nickel clel finish with the bright blue 13 g of the chimneys makes daliea tho the stove orna I 1 11 Y mental and attractive made with 1 12 2 note be benumb nure 1 l and nd 3 burners the 2 rod and 3 burner you get ll stove ce H stoves can be had bad wibb or without that i t ah fio II 11 cabinet i i read new Pe 1 ll 11 U 11 III defor de iMp igei continental oil company compan incorporated F sk 11 elf L ad S av I 1 ed V mr arty bithe lie d y e one on loe oc oclad lao colors colon til all fibers dbert th thi dye I 1 in cald water better than ill 10 thell 4 die for or irea in boo ho allio al lio HW to or dye bleach ald ml alof MONROE CO quinsy quincy illinois |