Show the important problem confronting anyone la in need ot of a laxative la Is not a question of a single action only but of permanently beneficial effects which will follow proper efforts to in a healthful way with the assistance of syrup of pigs and an elixir of senna whenever it Is required ns as lt it cleanses the system gently yet promptly without irritation and will therefore always havo ther the pi deference efe rence of all who wish the best or of family laxatives the combination has the approval of phy physicians sic ians because it Is known to be truly beneficial and because it has given satisfaction to the millions ot of well informed families who have usel used it tor for many years past to get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by ther th california fig syrup co only reward the of this paper will bo be pleated plead to iamb that there Is at least one dreaL led ducai piat mat n tence haj bas bit bhea able to cure cr in all 11 1 lia and add that 1 I hall catarrh cure to is tim only positive cu cure e now known to the tha ni edical fraternity being a co a consi titu tignall treatment cat ment th curo cure Is taken in inal lir acting upon thi the blood and raucous i irarra ol 01 1 the th yhan yet thereby distro destroying ying th the founds ion of the ho daw anil and olvina urn the patient pal lent trenah grenith tren lh by building up tip the and in iiii nature in doing it lu vork alio llio lie prop have hav w 0 o nuch much faith in us ita curative powers that they after one on 11 hundred dred milar I 1 lor any caw am it t f cure auto send bend for or mit lint or of addam F J clinney CHENEY CO Toledo To leilo 0 sold bold by all dnn ruhh lie ilc take tak bawl g famey tor for constipation br rl cea a and 11 1 1 erain rat to alvor anil and b boldn aur uny ea u tako calr ci lr AFTER fa ING AR cured by lydia E pink hams vegetable compound park rapids minn 1 I was sick for yeara while assing gars h r I 1 11 the change of L life e and was hardly able to be ba JI around after tate tak ing sir air bottles of lydia E EPin Pink khama hams vegetable compound I 1 gained 20 1 1 1 1 pounds am now ablo able t to I 1 do nay my own work and feel well mrs EL la dou park rapids alinn ohio 1 alvas I was irregular and ex extremely y nervous ne ivous A neighbor recommended lydia E pinkham Pin Pink khim harals vegetable compound to mo me and I 1 bavo become beckma regular and rny my nerves are ara much better birs airs IL 11 KINNI Sox brookville Broo kville ohio lydia E Pin Pink khama hams vegetable compound aund made mada from native roots and herbs erbs contains con taina no narcotic or harmful drugs and today to day holis holds tho the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases iv wo know of and thousands of voluntary testimonials testimonial are on file in the Vink liam laboratory at lynn masts mass from women who have been cured from almost otery ervery form of female complaints inflammation ul cera tumors irregularities periodic gainsback pains back ache indigestion and nervous prostration E every ve suffering woman owes it to herself to give lydia E vegetable compound atrial a trial if you yon want special ni advice vice write to it la Is arille frille and al always willys helpful LIABLE PROMPT ASSAYS FL 10 ii aci cold and silver 1 I ver and it gold ant silver refined and gouhl bvm arto I 1 lo 10 bicki ascal AH ial CO 1630 duurt iljin butr XU Tr |