Show WILL PROBE STILL DEEPER government has not called off the tha cotton inquiry but will make sweeping investigation new york the sudden adjournment on thursday Thurs dar 0 of the federal inquiry into tho the alleged cotton colton pool sent a thrill of hope to certain quarters ot of the he financial district that perhaps the government had decided deil to call off the he investigation clark mckercher Kercher Alc assistant attorney ey general soon boon dispelled that hope by announcing that other witnesses were to bo be called at further jury sittings plans for a deeper probing I 1 into ito the alleged cotton pools will it 13 3 said be made within a few days ut at washington james patten of chicago banged ills fist on an oak table of a downtown brokerage bro keraga office thursday afternoon and sald said lie he was waa not in this kame game to squeeze any one and further that there would be no corner in cotton says mr patten now look hero here I 1 will tell you the inside story of my operations in this market I 1 have bought cotton on the theory of supply and demand 1 I believe the mills here and in europe will close down in august and september because they will ila have ve no cotton to work on they will then cry give us cotton we must have it now there it la Is in a nutshell it I 1 am wrong why not show me where I 1 am long on cotton on this theory it the government steps in and r tops speculation why then I 1 shall stop but it will be an evil day it if such a step Is ever taken |