Show SOUTH WEBER ITEMS victor C Fer fernelius nellus lost a young horse valued at 1 last aundy yun dy 1 the he benefit danco dance given for hyrum ray was a success the proceeds netted hyrum alford who is afflicted witty a cancer in his face is very sick and in bed suffering very much bucl ho he needs assistance the school of the district intends to have a concert in tile the hall christmas Christma 5 quite a number of south we bakites barites have been sick with the la grippe most ot of the able bodied men of south weber and uintah are employed on the canal and oil oh for the poor roads and I 1 bridges brides brid es we have to travel over caused by the heavy boavy loads going to the canal they have never been beens so obad bad it does not seem to be business to look after tile the roads and keep them in repair r |