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Show NOT PAGE FROM A ROMANCE NEW ERA IN FIHUNGE However, Reads Convertat.on, Whole Lot More Like a Scene In Real Life. AND PUBLICITY PROVES TO BE A POPULAR MOTTO. ACCURACY And bo your father refuses to con sent to our union?" "He does, Rodolphufl. The sad youth swallowed a sob. "Is there nothing left for us, then, but an elopement?" said be. Nothing. "Do you think, Clementine, that you could abandon this luxurious home, forget all the enjoyments of great wealth, banish yourself forever from your devoted parents' hearts, and go west with a poor young man to enter a home of lifelong poverty and self denial? "I could, Rodolphus." The sad youth rose wearily and reached for his hat. Then,, said he, "you are far from being the practical girl I have all along taken you to be." And with one last look around on the sumptuousness that some day he had hoped to share, he sobbed and said farewell. Brownings Magazine. .. THE CIRCULAR ShURGt BVtemY Prompt Response to Bold Move of President Vail. "Accuracy Reduced Western Unions Surplus Publicity Restored Confidence and Its Stock Went Up. Vs O ROBERTS mnehart by Tz&Wtf nmmnom ivrses mt sr T smm-mdmsc- s 8YNOPSIS. Are the great financiers of the Miss Innes, spinster and guardt&a ef country beginning to see a new light? Sertrude and Halsey, established sumTime was, until recently in fact, when mer at Sunnyside. Arnold headquarters the men at the head of the big cor- Armstrong was found shot to death In Gertrude and her fiance. Jack porations "kept their business to the hall. had conversed In the billiard Bailey, as law would far as Detecthe themselves, room shortly before the murder. holdallow. Capable men at the head of the tive Jamieson accused Miss Innes of Cashier Bailey of Paul evidence. back ing big concerns, long realized the weak- Armstrongs bank, defunct, was' arrested ness of their position, but what was for embezzlement. Paul Armstrong's was announced. Halseys fiancee, needed obviously, ss In all great re- death Louise Armstrong, told Halsey that while to marry forms, was an unmistakable occasion She still loved him, she was that Dr. Walker was and a courageous man. The occasion the man.It developed Louise was found unconscious arose In the purchase of the Western at the bottom of the circular staircase. said something had brushed by her Union Telegraph company by the Bhe and she In the dark on the stairway American Telephone and Telegraph fainted. Bailey is suspected of Arm, lodgekeep-rrthe Thomas, murder. company, and the man appeared m strongs was found dead with a note in his Theodore N. Vail, President of the pocket bearing the name Lucien Wal16 YEARS OF SKIN DISEASE A ladder found out of place deeplace. purchasing corporation. The stables were ens the It was last December when public iurned, andmystery. In the dark Miss Innes shot I been have sixteen For mysteriously disaplong years was made that the an intruder. Halsey announcement His auto was found wrecked by suffering with a bad case of Bkln di Gould holdings of Western Union had apeared train. It developed Halsey had freight ease. While a child there broke out a been taken over by the Telephone an argument In the library with a woman before his disappearance. New cook disred sore on the legs just In back o I company. Miss Innes learned Halsey was appears. five. Dr. Walkers face becomes livid my knees. ft waxed from bad to worse, On account of the high esteem in mention of the name of Nina Carringtand at last I saw I had a bad skin which the management of the tele- It on. Evidence was secured from a tramp disease. I tried many widely known phone company Is so generally held, ihat a man, supposedly Halsey, had been and gagged and thrown Into an doctors In different cities but to no great things were predicted as a rempty box car. both sult of the absorption of Western satisfactory result The plague ered me more in warm weather than Union. By the press of the country CHAPTER XXVIII. Continued. In winter and being on my leg joints the deal" was most favorably comIt made It Impossible for me to walk, mented on, It being widely pointed Mr. Winters and Alex disposed of and I was forced to stay Indoors In the out that under the direction of such the tramp with a warning. It was eviwannest weather. My hopes of recow men as Theodore N. Vail and his as- dent he had told us all he knew. We ery were by this time 6pent. Sleepless sociates, the telegraph company was had occasion, within a day or two, to nights and restless days made life an bound soon to work Itself into a po- be doubly thankful that we had given At last I was sition where It could offer the public him his freedom. When Mr. Jamieunbearable burden. advised to try the Cutlcura remedies far more efficient service than It had son telephoned that night we had news Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Pills ever before been able to offer. tor him; he told me what I bad not But a very few months had elapsed realized before that It would not be and I did not need more than a trial to convince me that I was on the road when it became apparent to the new possible to find Halsey at once, even of success this time. I bought two management that a modern and with this clew. The cars by this time, sets of the Cutlcura Remedies and appraisal of the companys three days, might be scattered over the after these were gone I was a differ- assets would make possible a far union. But he said to keep on hoping, ent man entirely. I am now the hap- greater degree of efficiency of oper- that It was the best news we had had. Here, they said to them- And In the meantime, consumed with piest man that there Is at least one ation. true care for skin diseases. Leonard selves, weve bought control of this anxiety as we were, things were hapA. Hawtof, 11 Nostrand Ave., Brook-lyn- , property and we know Its Immensely pening at the house in rapid succesvaluable, but we dont know Just sion. N .Y July 30 and Aug. 8, 09. how valuable. These appraisals of We had one peaceful day then Lld-J- y VERY LIKELY. real estate and securities owned were took sick in the night. I went in made a long time ago. If we have when I heard her groaning, and found a complete Inventory made of every her with a bottle to her thing weve got we can announce the face, and hep right cheek swollen unfacte to the public, start a new eet of til it was glassy. books, and begin our responsibility Toothache? I asked, not too gentto stockholders right there. You deserve it A woman of ly. How Inventor Wat Taken. your age, who would rather go around The most expert accountants and with an exposed nerve in her head appraisers to be bad were put at the than have the tooth pulled! It would task. Their labors lasted over eight be over In a moment. months. Their report and its publiSo would hanging, Llddy procation by the company marks an ep- tested, from behind the botoch in finance. tle. It began by recommending an adI was hunting around for cotton and justment of the difference between laudanum. the appraised and book values by a "You have a tooth just like it yourcharge of $5,595,089 against sur- self, Miss Rachel, she whimpered. plus. Book values of securities held And Fm sure Dr. Boyles been trying were reduced to market values, bad to take it out for years. and doubtful accounts were "chargThere was no laudanum, and Llddy ed off, an allowance of $2,000,000 made a terrible fuss when I proposed was made for depreciation, another carbolic acid, just because I had put of $500,000 for "reserve," and so on, too much on the cotton once and wildcat! The Hunter Sure it is! Youd be until the old surplus of $18,867,000 burned her mouth. Im sure it never came down to $5,136,000. wild, too, if you was her! Aid her any permanent harm; indeed, It required courage, the publication the doctor said afterward that living YOUR STOMACH FEELS FINE of this statement to stockholders, say- on liquid diet had been a splendid rest In effect: The property of for her stomach. But she would have ing has been reval- none of the acid, and she your company kept me Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sourness, Gas ued: the surplus Isnt nineteen mill- awake groaning, so at last I got up and All Stomach Misery Ended as ions, you have been led to be- and went to Gertrudes door. To my In Five Minutes. lieve, but five millions, but It was it was locked. the truth, and President Vail did not surprise I went around by the hall and Into will This harmless preparation flinch. ana Accuracy publicity, he her bedroom that way. The bed was promptly digest anything you eat and declared, was essential. The stockovercome a sick, sour, gassy or down, and her dressing-gowholder has a right to know. The turned night-dres- s stomach within five minutes. lay ready in the little shares of this company are scatter- and room next, but Gertrude was not there. If your meals don't fit comfortably, ed from one end of the Union to the She had not undressed. or what you eat lies like a lump of other. This is more than a private I dont know what terrible thoughts lead in your stomach, or if you have corporation. It Is a great national heartburn, that Is a sign of Indigestion. enterprise. The public Is entitled to came to me in the minute I stood there. Through the door I could hear Get from any drug store here in the facts. town a case of Papes Dlapep-siThe report was ordered published Llddy grumbling, with a squeal now and take a dose just as soon as forthwith. Financiers of the old anfl then when the pain stabbed you can. There will be no sour ris- school and speculators generally were harder. Then, automatically, I got the ings, no belching of undigested food aghast What would happen? Would laudanum and went back to her. It was fully a half-hou-r before Lld-dy- s mixed with acid, no stomach gas or the bottom drop out of Western At subsided. intervals I groans fullness or heavy feeling Union when the shareholders realizheartburn, went to the door Into the hall and In the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating ed that their was worth propetry Headaches,' Dizziness or Intestinal $13,000,000 less than they had sup- looked out, but I saw and heard nothing suspicious. Finally, when Llddy griping. This will all go, and, besides, posed? But the amazing thing there will be no sour food left over happened. The stock went up and had dropped into a doze, I even venin the stomach to poison your breath stayed up. The public had respond- tured as far as the head of the circular with nauseous odors. ed to this remarkable display of staircase, hut there floated up to me Dis a is certain regulafrankness and confidence; to the new only the even breathing of Winters, pepsin Papes the night detective, sleeping just inbeand tor tor stomachs, motto, Accuracy and Publicity. sides it takes hold of your food and The full significance of the action side the entry.- And then, far off, I digests it just the same as If jour of the new board is stated concisely heard the rapping noise that had lured Louise down the staircase that other stomach wasnt there. by Harpers Weekly in these words: cases contain These large "Is this policy of publicity and o! night, two weeks before. It was over and very faint three or four more than sufficient to thoroughly dealing with sharehold- my head, cure any case of Dyspepsia, Indiges- - ers and public the forerunner of a short muffled taps, a pause, and then similar movement on the part of oth- again, stealthily repeated. tlon or any other stomach disorder. The sound of Mr. Winters breathRemember, If your stomach feels er big corporations? Certainly It Is was comforting; with the thought ing out of order and uncomfortable now, to be hoped that It is. la the case was help within call, someyou can get relief In five minutes by of these big companies, dependent tbal there me from waking him. I did thing kept a llttld upon public patronage and doing bus! Diapepsln. taking ness under public franchise, can not move for a moment; ridiculous there be any question of the right ol things Llddy had said about a ghost Putting In the Time. I am not at all superstitious, except, A gentleman whs engaging a gen- the people to know? "That right is being tecognlzed. perhaps. In the middle of the night, eral man and telling him what he wanted him to do. You will have to It Is recognized now in this epochal with everything dark things like that clean the windows and the boots and act on the part of the telephone and came back to me. Almost beside me the knives and go messages, chop telegraph interests. It is the dawn was the clothes chute. I could feel it, but I could see nothing. As I stood, wood, cut short grass, mind the horse of a new era In corporation finance. listening Intently, I heard a sound and pony, look after the garden and near me. It was vague, indefinite. keep the house supplied with vegeTimeliness. Then it ceased; there was an uneasy reodd Is and do tables any job that All measures of reformation are ef movement and a grunt from the foot quired and If suitable you will get fective In exact proportion to their of the circular staircase, and silence ten shillings a week." be cut timeliness; "Is there any clay In the garden T away and partial decay may error again. I stood perfectly still, hardly cleansed; incipient daring to breathe. asked the man. but there Is a point at Then I knew I had been Some "What makes you ask that? asked corrected; which corruption can no more be oac was stealthily passing right the head of the gentleman. nor It recalled. stayed, wandering the etaircase and coming toward me I was thinking I could make bricks has been the manner of modern phll In the dark. I leaned against the wall In my spare time, said the man. anthropy to remain passive until that for support my knees were giving to leave and the alck precise period, The steps were close now, and Shrinking from suffering may be to perish, and the foolish to stray, way. I thought of Gertrude. Of Suddenly from strength. Seeing while It spent Itself In frantic exer Bourse It was Gertrude. I put out one . tions to raise the dead, and reform th land in front of me, but I touched The coldblooded are hotheaded I dust. Ruskln. othing. My voice almost refused mei when yon hit their pride. an-sth- te hot-wat- hot-wat- n 50-ce- n - open-hande- Riggs came into the room diffidentbut Mr. Jamieson put him at hla ease. He kept a careful eye on me, however, and slid into a chair by the door when he was asked to elt down. Now, Riggs, began Mr. Jamieson You are to say what you kindly. have to say before this lady. You promised youd keep It quiet, Mr. Jamieson." Riggs plainly did not trust me. There was nothing friendly in the glance he turned on me. "Yes, yes. You will be protected. But, first of all, did you bring what you promised?" Riggs produced a roll of papers from under his coat, and handed them over. Mr. Jamieson examined them with lively satisfaction, and passed them to me. "The blue prints of SunWhat did I tell nyside, he said. you? Now, Riggs, we are ready. Id never have come to you, Mr. Jamieson, he began, if It hadnt been rfor Miss Armstrong. When Mr. Innes was spirited away, like, and Miss Louise got sick because of It, I thought things had gone far enough. I'd done some things for the doctor before that wouldn't just bear looking Into, but I turned a bit squeLuiish. Did you help with uiat? I asked, leaning forward. "No, mam. I didnt even know of It until the next day, when It came out la the Casanova Weekly Ledger. But I know who did it, 'all right Id better start at the beginning. When Dr. Walker went away to California with the Armstrong family, there was talk in the town that when he came hack he would be married to Miss Armstrong, and we all expected it. First thing I knew, I got a letter from him In the west. He seemed to be excited, and he said Miss Armstrong had taken a sudden notion to go home and he sent me some money. I was to watch for her, to see if she went to Sunnyside, and wherever she was, not to lose sight of her until he got home. I traced her to the lodge, and I guess I scared you on the drive one night. Miss Innes. "And RoMe! I ejaculated. Riggs grinned sheepishly. I only wanted to make snre Miss Louise was there. Rosie started to run, and I tried to stop her and tell her some sort of a story to account for my being there. But she wouldnt ly, When Came To It Was Dawn. but I managed to gasp out, GerThere were several things that day trude! that bewildered me. About three Good Lord! a mans voice ex- oclock Mr. Jamieson telephoned from claimed, just beside me. And then I the Casanova station and Warner collapsed. I felt myself going, felt went down to meet him. I got up and some one catch me, a horrible nausea dressed hastily, and the detective was shown up to my sitting room. that was all I remembered. No news? I asked, as he entered. When I came to it was dawn. I was lying on the bed in Louises room, He tried to look encouraging, without with the cherub on the celling staring success. down at me, and there was a blanket It wont be long now. Miss Innes, from my own bed thrown over me. I he said. I have come out here on a felt weak and dizzy, but I managed to peculiar errand, which I will tell you get up and totter to the door. At the about later. First, I want to ask some foot of the circular staircase Mr. Win- questions. Did any one come out here ters was still asleep. Hardly able to yesterday to repair the telephone, and stand, I crept back to my room. The examine the wires on the roof? door Into Gertrude's room was no lon"Yes, I said promptly; but It was ger locked; she was sleeping like a not the telephone. He said the wiring tired child. And in my dressing room might have caused the fire at the bottle stable. I went up with him myself, Llddy hugged a cold but he only looked around. and mumbled in her sleep. Mr. Jamieson smiled. Theres some things you can't hold Good for you! he applauded. with hand-cuffshe was muttering Dont allow any one In the house thickly. that you dont trust, and don't trust CHAPTER XXIX. anybody. All are not electricians who wear rubber gloves. A Scrap of Paper. He refused to explain further, hut For the first time In 20 years I kept he got a slip of paper out of his and opened it carefully. my bed that day. Llddy was alarmed pocket-booYou heard this to the point of hysteria, and sent for "Listen, he said. Dr. Stewart just after breakfast. Ger- before and scoffed. In the light of retrude spent the morning with me, cent developments I want you to read reading something I forget what. I it again. You are a clever woman, was too busy with my thought to lis- Miss Innes. Just as surely as I sit ten. I had said nothing to the two here, there is something In this house detectives. If Mr. Jamieson had been that is wanted very anxiously by a there I should have told him every- number of people. The lines are closthing, but I could not go to these ing up. Miss Innes. The paper was the one he had found strange men and tell them my niece bad been missing In the middle of the among Arnold Armstrongs effects, night; that she had not gone to bed and I recall It again: at all; that while I was searching for by altering ths plans for may be possible. The best way. her through the house I had met a rooms, In my opinion, would b to the plan stranger who, when I fainted, had car- for In one of the rooms chim ried me Into a room and left me there, ney. I I as or It think I said to get better not, understand, might hapslowly. "Some one is searching for pen. And there was something else: The the secret room, and the Invaders "And the holes In the plaster man I had met in the darkness bad Have been in the progress of been even more startled than I, and about his voice, when he muttered his his Or her Investigations. muffled exclamation, there was someHer? I asked. thing vaguely familiar. All that mornMiss Innes, the detective said, read aloud, and ing, while Gertrude Llddy watched fm- the doctor, I was getting up, I believe that somewhere puzzling over that voice, without re- in the walls of this house Is hidden some of the money, at least, from the sult Dr. Walker came up, some time just Traders bank. I believe, just as surely, that young Walker brought home after luncheon, and asked for me. the knowledge of "Go down and see him, I Instructed from California Tell him 1 am out for something of the sort, and, failing in Gertrude. mercys sake dont say Im sick. Find his effort to reinstall Mrs. Armstrong out what he wants, and from this time and her daughter here, he, or a conon, instruct the servants that he Is federate, has tried to break Into the I loathe that house. On two occasions I think he not to be admitted. succeeds. man. On three, at least, I corrected. Gertrude came back very soon, her And then I told him about the night face rather flushed. He came to ask us to get out, she before. "I have been thinking hard, said, picking up her book with a jerk. I concluded, "and I do not believe the He says Louise Armstrong wants to man at the head of the circular staircome here, now that she is recover- case was Dr. Walker. I dont think he could have got in, and the voice was ing not his. And what did you say? Mr. Jamieson got up and paced the "I said we were very sorry we could not leave, but we would be delighted floor, his hands behind him. "There is something else that puzto have Louise come up here with us. He looked daggers at me. And he zles me, he said, stepping before me. wanted to know if we would recom- "Who and what is the woman Nina mend Eliza as a cook. He has brought Carrington? If It was she who came a patient, a man, out from town, and here as Mattie Bliss, what did she thats tell Halsey that sent him racing to is Increasing his establishment Dr. Walker's, and then to Miss Armthe way he put 1L I wish him joy of Eliza, I said strong? If we could find that woman we would have the whole thing. tartly, "Did he ask for Halsey? Mr. Jamieson, did you ever think "Yes. I told him that we were on the track last night, and that it was that Paul Armstrong might not have only a question of time. He said he died a natural death? That Is the thing we are going to was glad, although he didnt appear to be, but he said not to be too san- try to find out, he replied. And then Gertrude came In, announcing a man guine. Do you know what I believe? I below to see Mr. Jamieson. "I want you present at this interasked. "I believe, as firmly as I believe anything, that Dr. Walker knows view, Miss Innes, he said. May something about Halsey, and that he Riggs come up? He has left Dr. he could put his finger on him, It he Walker and he has something wants to tell us. wanted to. I hot-wat- k wait And the basket? broken china In the Well, broken chinas death to rubI hadn't any he said. complaint against-yopeople here, and the Dragon Fly was a good car. So Rosies highwayman was explained. Well, I telegraphed the doctor where Miss Louise was and I kept an eye Jn her. Just a day or so before they came home with the body I got another letter, telling me to watch for a woman who had been pitted with smallpox. Her name was Carrington, and the doctor made things pretty strong. If I found any such woman loafing around, 7 was not to lose sight of her for a minute until the doctor got back. Well, I would have had my hands full, but the other woman didnt show up for a good while, and when she did the doctor was home. "Riggs, I asked suddenly, did you get into this house a day or two after I took It, at night? I did not, Miss Innes. I have never been In the house before. Well, the Carrington woman didnt show up until the night Mr. Halsey disappeared. She came to the office late, and the doctor was out. She waited around, walking the floor and working herself into a passion. When the doctor didnt come back, she was In an awful way. She wanted me to hunt him, and when he didnt appear, she called him names; said he couldn't fool her. There was murder being done, and she would see him swing for it. (TO BE CONTINUED.) ber tires, Dresden China. Judging by your recent note, writes a correspondent, it seems that the geographical knowledge possessed by girl typists Is about on a level with that possessed by the damsels who represent ihe postmaster general behind the counters of our suburban post offices. Having occasion recently to telegraph funds to a town in Germany, it became necessary for the clerk to consult the post office guide. After a long and fruitless search 1 ventured to suggest that she was not likely to find the town I wanted in the section devoted to the celestial empire, where she was looking. "Not under China she retorted supercili"You said Dresden, didnt ously. you? The Consoling Volumo. There was a backward student at Balliol who, for failure to pass an examination In Greek, was sent down. His mother went to see the master. Dr. Jowett, and explained to him wbat an excellent lad her son waa. It la a hard experience for him, this disgrace. said the old lady; but he will have the consolation of religion, and there la always one book to which he Jowett eyed her for a t can turn. and then answered: Yes, maGood dam; the Greek grammar. morning. mo-mn- |