Show REVOLT OF MEXICANS FIERCE FIGHTING AND ONE TOWN REPORTED CAPTURED BY REBELS three hundred federal troops sall said to have gone over to insurgents while effort will be made to enlist aid of yaqui indians mexico city fierce fighting occurred on monday at durango torreon parral and gomez join cz Pala clor tho the latter falling failing ino ina the hands of tho the rebels three hundred of the federal troops at gomez Ial aclo are said to have gone over to the insurgents who have now turned their attention iod to attacking the loyal forces at torreon the lighting fighting began fit at durango it Is reported on good authority that twenty five persons have been killed at zacatecas Zacate caB cas the government troops it Is also reported report edo quelled the uprising there and aro are in control the wires north ot at monterey Mon have been cut and no reports are obtainable from beyond that point it Is believed that the insurgents are responsible for the cutting ot of comin alile atoll general geronemo Geron mo trevino commander of the military aono in III which monterey Is situated has gone north at the head of a strong body of troops to meet him there has been much looting and ninny many were killed and alt N 01 k A e aa J 1 A PRESIDENT DIAZ OF MEXICO wounded at gomez Pal aclo according to reports here it was reported that francisco 1 I madero the revolutionary leader entered mexico on oil monday with followers at a point between eagle pass and laredo tos tex washington Washing tom the united states stales war department has notified commanders at every post adjacent to the mexican border to lie be in readiness ani and has sent detachments ot of cavalry to botler bonier towns it Is reported that tho the rebels are trying to 0 o enlist the yaqui indians who have fought the diaz government so many years the rebels boast diaz will bo be a fugitive within thirty days the Alex mexican ican government has seized belled the telegraph wires and hereafter it la its expected all news will bo be censored |