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Show Happenings in and Around Bingham The Town Board of Bingham passed a resolution at their last meeting that all Public Dance halls must be closed by 1 a. m. The Rev. Father Ryan gave an exceedingly interesting talk on "George Washington" at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club at Smith's Hall on Thursday last. General Manager Imer Pett with General Superintendent "Jash" Billings of the Bingham Mines Co,, spent Thursday inspecting in-specting the Montana-Bingham Co.'s property here. Mrs. and Mrs. R. Ferrell of the Elmerton Apartments are rejoicing over the arirval of a baby daughter on Thursday morning. Jack Curnow the affable proprietor pro-prietor of the New Wasatch Hotel Ho-tel of Salt Lake City left on Monday for Denver where he will undergo treatment at a sanitarium san-itarium for organic troubles. ' J. A. Norden has been appointed ap-pointed one of a committee for the next Utah Metal Mining Institute In-stitute which will be held at Salt Lake City sometime in April when different mining problems will be discussed. ? The many friends in Bingham of Jim Gatley of Eureka wilj learn with regret he is a patient at the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City suffering from a severe attack of dropsy. Miss Fay Ray the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ray, former residents of Lark is now in Hollywood, California, with her mother and from la- test reports Miss Kay will star with Charles Ray, the movie actor, ac-tor, in his next production. Foreman Emmanuel Beck who has been connected with the United States Mining Co. for the past 20 years resigned his position on Thursday and will make his home with his brother in the valley on a ranch, he leaves with best wishes of a wide circle of friends. Dan Toy, the proprietor of the "City Cafe" entertained a number num-ber of the business men of the camp with their wives on Saturday. Sat-urday. The menu consisted principally of imported Chinese dishes. All who participated spoke sighly of Mr. Toy's entertaining enter-taining abilities. Mrs. Anna Knowley who has been operating a boarding house in the Highland Boy for a number num-ber of years sold her business to Mrs. Mary Tvfitchell of Salt Lake City, who has taken charge, Mrs. Knowley will leave for California this week. "Popular. Mechanics" a national na-tional monthly magaine published publish-ed for the month of March gives a picture of the workings of the Utah Copper's Co.'s taken from an airplane, the picture is anything any-thing but of interest to the people peo-ple of Bingham. Postmaster Archie Stuart, Past Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. Lodge was one of the principal speakers at a banquet given at the Newhouse Hotel the past week. The occasion was the 19th anniversary of the Veteran Odd Fellow's association, associa-tion, over fifty members were present. Tom Pritchard of the Bonanza Bonan-za Mining company of Cottonwood Cotton-wood returned from the property proper-ty on Monday last and is overjoyed over-joyed at their latest strike, the latest assays run 200 ozs. in Sil-"t Sil-"t and 55 ner cent Lead. Jim Yates a former resident of Bingham is in charge of the property, Mr Pritchard is to be congratulated on his untiring efforts to make this property a success. |