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Show permit shall immediately certify the same to the state treasurer. Section 2- No permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have paid to the treasurer of the city, town or county, as the same may be, an annual license fee therefor as follows : In cities of the 1st class....$50.00 In cities of the 2nd class...$35.00 In cities of the 3rd class..$25.00 All such license fees shall be credited to the general fund of the city, town or county collecting collect-ing the same. Secetion 3. No permit shall be issued until the applicant therefor shall have filed with the city recorder, or clerk of the body issuing said permit, a bond to be approved by such city recorder re-corder or clerk, which said bond shall be payable to the city, town or county issuing the samel for the benefit of all parties interested,' in-terested,' and shall be in the amount of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars and conditioned upon the faithful observance of all the provisions of this act, and for the payment of all damages that may result from the unlawful sale of cigarettes or cigarette papers upon the premises occupied occu-pied by the obligor. Said bond shall be signed by the obligor as principal and by a surety company com-pany authorized to do business in this state, or by two sureties who shall each qualify in double the amount of the bond, and neither of whom shall be surety on any other like bond. Section 4. From and after taking effect of this act there is hereby imposed, and there shall be collected by and paid to the state treasurer, upon all cigarettes ci-garettes and cigarette papers or wrappers and tubes sold in the state of Utah to consumers the following taxes, to be paid to or at the time of sale and delivery to the consumer: Class A. On cigarettes weighing weigh-ing not more than three pounds per thousand, one mill on each such cigarette ; BINGHAM SENATOR : GETS renin ... Intended as a step toward more complete law enforcement in the State, and at the same " time a measure to satisfy officers offi-cers of the law, citizens and - merchants, Senator Henry Ne-phi Ne-phi Standish, a resident of Bingham since 1876, introduced a Bill in the Senate which repeals re-peals to a certain extent, the existing anti-cigarette law. Although Al-though the Bill has been rejected reject-ed by the Committee it ha3 been thought the proposed statute j may yet become a law, after considering con-sidering the notoriety the State I has been subjetced to this past J week with every cross-road I country newspaper ridiculing f the State and its people. The existing law is ignored, sneered at and is ridiculous to the out-side out-side world and hyprocitical to . ourselves. Senator Standish's ; Bill offered a new source of j revenue amounting to $300,000 a yean to the State. Is the state to have smoking, . with a revenue of $300,000 a year an honest observance of ; the law, or is it to have smoking without this revenue and an open , contempt 'for a law. which is not and cannot he enforced? Every overburdened taxpayer in Utah knows that the legislature legisla-ture cannot afford to ignore the fact that the state needs this revenue. The Standish substitute substi-tute measure makes it more difficult dif-ficult for the minor to obtain cigarets than the present law. Under the present law a man violates the law no more is selling sell-ing to a minor than to an adult. -- "--When he - determines to sell to adults he need draw no distinctions distinc-tions of age. Under the Standish Stan-dish bill, as a dealer selling cigarets ci-garets to a minor would lose his license for a period of two years, I and in addition be subject to I fine and imprisonment. J In view of the foregoing facts, what motives can actuate a leg-, leg-, islature to refuse to consider 1 this question on its merits? Class B. On cigarettes weighing weigh-ing more than three pounds.per thousand, two mills on each such cigarette; Class C- On cigarette papers or wrappers or any papers made or prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes, made up in packages, books or sets ; on each such package, book or set containing con-taining not more than fifty papers, pa-pers, one-half cent; containing more than fifty papers but not more than one hundred papers, one cent; containing more than one hundred papers, one-half cent for each fifty papers or fractional part thereof. Class D. On tubes, one cent each fifty tubes or fractional part thereof. All cigarettes sold in this state under the provisions of this act shall be put up in packages pack-ages containing 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 40, 50, 80 or 100 cigarettes each. Before being delivered to the consumer, each package of cigarettes and each package, book or set of papers or of tubes, shall have securely affixed thereto a suitable stamp denoting the tax thereon, and said stamp shall be properly cancelled prior to such sale or removal for consumption, under suh regulations as the state treasurer shall prescribe. Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of Sections 1 or 4 of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; mis-demeanor; and all cigarettes, cigarette papers or wrappers, and papers made or prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes cigar-ettes in his possession or in his place of business shall be confiscated con-fiscated and forefeited to the etate. Section 6- It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized hereby, with the intent to defraud de-fraud the state, to make, alter, forge or counterfeit any license or stamp provided for in this act or to have in possession any forged, counterfeited, spurious or altered license or stamp knowing the snme to b" forged (ContinTicd'on I'ngo 4.) SENATOR STANDISH'S PROPOSED PRO-POSED NEW CIGARETTE BILL - S. B. No. 108, By Mr. Stan- " dish: Be it enacted by the Legislature Legisla-ture of the State of Utah: Section 1. It shall be unlawful un-lawful for any person, firm or corporation to barter, sell or offer of-fer for sale, cigarettes or cigarette cigar-ette papers in the State of Utah wihtout first having obained a permit therefor, which said permit per-mit may be granted and issued by the board of city commis-' commis-' sioners of any city of the first or second class, the city council V or any city of the third class, ' the board of trustees of any t town, or the board of county v commissioners in any territory outside of any city or town. Said permit shall be in force and effect for one year from and ' after the date of its issue, un-i un-i less sooner revoked, and shall be I granted only to a person, firm or i corporation owning or operating " the place from which such sales l are to be made, which place shall be within the territorial limits of the body granting such permit. Each permit shall be numbered and shall show the residence and place of business 1 of the permit holder, and shall ; not be transferable. The body t issuing such permit shall, on reasonable notice and hearing, revoke the permit of any person, firm or corporation who shall ' violate any of the provisions of this act, and no permit can again be issued to the person, firm or corporation from whom a permit has been so revoked, for a period of two years thereafter. there-after. The body issuing such permits shall keep an accurate i record thereof and of all revoca-. revoca-. tions of permits, and upon the I issuance or revocation of any ! t prepared for the purpose of making mak-ing cigarettes, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Whoever is found guilty thereof, for the first offense shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, or imprisoned impris-oned in the county jail not less than one month nor more than six months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Section; 10- Any person, firm or corporation maintaining a place where cigarettes or cigarettes cigar-ettes papers are sold or kept with intent to sell in violation of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of keeping and maintaining a nuisance, and the building or place so used for the sale or keeping for sale of cigarettes cigar-ettes or cigarettes papers or wrappers in violation of the provisions pro-visions of this act, shall be deemed to be a nuisance, and such person, firm or corporation may be enjoined and such building build-ing or place abated as a nuisance, nuis-ance, and the procedure for the actions to enjoin and abate such nuisance, or for contempt in violating vio-lating an order of injunction, snail be, so far as applicable, the same as those now provided by the laws of this state for enjoining en-joining and abating intoxicating liquor nuisances. Section 11. Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, Chapter 145, Laws of Utah, 1921, and all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, here-with, are hereby repealed. Section 12. This act shall take effect upon approval. Senator Recognized (Continued from pngo 1) coununeited, spurious or aiter-ed, aiter-ed, and whoever is found guilty of any violation of this provision provis-ion shall be fined not more than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars Dol-lars and be imprisoned in the state penitentiary not more than three years. Sectioin 7. The state auditor shall prepare and have suitable stamps for use on each kind of package described in section 4 of this act. Upon requisition from the state treasurer, The state auditor au-ditor shall deliver to his order the stamps designated in such requisition and shall charge the state treasurer with the stamps thus delivered, and leaving his hands. The state treasurer shall sell the stamps herein provided pro-vided for, only to dealers holding permits issued as provided in this act and tne moneys received receiv-ed from the sale of said stamps shall be turned into the general fund of the state. The state treasurer shall redeem and make repayment for any unused stamps or written request made by any such dealer and Dav for ; same out of any funds derived from the provisions of this act. It shall be unlawful for a dealer to fell such stamps to another ! dealer or to any person whom-; , soever, except as herein provided. provid-ed. Section 8. The state treasurer treasur-er is hereby authorized to select and appoint yii additional ,as-jsistant ,as-jsistant to the state treasurer, j whose sole duties shall be to 'administer end see that the provisions pro-visions of this a:t are enforced, j including the collection of all ;sUnip taxes provided for herein. fii the enforcement of this ret ihe may call t) m aid the attorney at-torney general, any county attorney at-torney or any peace officer, ;Tho state treasurer is further .".ut.iomed to appoint such cicrks r.nd additional help as m iy bo needed to carry out the .prov.'si ns of this act. The com-neiis com-neiis Uion of rl' p r:ons enp oy-cd oy-cd hereunder to be fixed by the Bo.ir.1 cf Examiners and to bp paid from the revenues derived hereunder. S ct;o:i 0. Any person who shall furnish to any minor un-drr un-drr twenty-one yenrs of age, by ?ift. sale or otherwise, any :i:.rarotte rr cigarett3 paper or wrapper, cr any paper made or |