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Show Western Brevities! from the Many : Western States Woodland, Calif. About 12 carloads of npricots a day are beln shlppod rrora this district at present to eastern east-ern points while a similar amount ol the fiiut is poln to local canneries. San Francisco. Prices fixed for the 1023 crop itf wine grapes by the directorate di-rectorate of the California Grape Krowers' exchange ure approximately 80 per cent below those in effect last year. La Junta, Colo. Colorado labor Is now on record favoring modification of the Volstead act to permit the sale of light wines and beer. Seattle, Wash. A clinic In which the discoveries of modern medical and psychological science will be Invoked t effect lines will be conducted by the Plymouth Congregational church of this city. Santa Barbara, Cal. Millions o grasshoppers have appeared in th fertile fields of the northern part ol this county, the situation Is described as menacing. San Francisco. A total of .T7,0O0 000 will be expended for maintenance and reconstruction of state and county coun-ty roads ot California during the fiscal years 192;!-24 and 1924-25, according ac-cording to announcement. Los Angeles Police are searchlna for two men who attacked Mrs. Ida C. Levis, a middle-aged woman, and kidnapped her two grandchildren Margaret Kasthope, aged 11, and Jack, aged 10. Bozeman, Mont. First degree murder mur-der will be charged in twe counts against Seth Ora Danner, who, according ac-cording to a statement made by his wife, killed Mr. and Mrs. John Sprouz of Mohrldge, S. D., and burled the bodies. Minneapolis Flour prices dropped to the lowest In sis years when one of the largest mills here cut the price 15c a lrrel on family patents. The new low was $6.25 a barrel. San Francisco A temporary injunction, in-junction, prohibiting federal prohibition prohibi-tion authorities from Interfering with the conduct of the business of the Tacoma Brewing company here, was granted In the federal court. Santa Rarhara, Cal. Leslie Me-Caleb, Me-Caleb, 28, is In a local hospital for an operation to remove a rifle ball said to have been carried in his head for eighteen years. Dawson, Y. T. Opening of the Yukon Yu-kon Legislature has taken place. It had to he adjourned ten days to await the arrival of the nrst boat from White Horse. El Paso, Tex. False notes of the Central National bank of San Angel, " Tex., have been found in comparatively comparative-ly large quantities In Tamplco and Vera Cruz, reports here say. Lay tun, Hah. While watering hors'-s .1. Lurton Whltesldes, 12-year- old suffered a violent death when lie wns Kicked, trampled anil dravrced by ! the team. Portland, Ore. C'harjred with hav-Ins hav-Ins fled from Oklahoma ten years ago while he was appealing from a conviction on n charge of mariHlauL'h-ter, mariHlauL'h-ter, Clyde Irving Sherman was arrested ar-rested here. S:in Francisco Frank It. Reynolds, accompanied by a corpse ot expert 1 income tax nccountanats, has arrived ar-rived here from New York nnd will immediately bein an Investigation Into tlie illf ,S13 tax retiyns made in northern California for last year. Ienver, Colo. Transportation of money by airplane to reduce Interest charKWt and incidentally reduce the number of robberies, Is beinc consid ered by the federal reserve board. Itendondo Heach. Calif. Three surl bathers, members ot a party of pic nickers were caucht in a rip tide and drowned here. Two others eaut'ht by the s:mio tide were rescued by Tie smards. Mxlcall, Cal. Itnmon Knriquez, II years of aire, was killed while playing t bull-rij;hllns. While taking the position of a picador Hamuli wa thrown by his pony. Ix)s Angles Fire which started in dakum in the car.) of the freighter William A. SleKenney was extinguished extinguish-ed after damage estimated at more ' than ?1 00,000 had been done. Spanish Fork, Utah.-The American Lesion posts of Spanish Fork, Fayson, nnd Salem will unite in a Me celebration cele-bration In honor of the complet on of the paved road at Helem, which unites the three towns with a cement highway. Ft Worth-T. H. Burnett, brother ol the late S. Burke Burnett of Fort Worth, died at his home at Lonja-mln. Lonja-mln. He had n paralytic stroke about one year ago. M.mb.-Alhert I'enny, was drowned In a lake on the farm of J. ST. War n; south of Cisco. The lad and sev eral other playmates were on a raf Hutte, Mont.-"Nt wln,pr 8,art'' in Montana Proration Lay when ,nvy, wot snow blanket! Buito an. the surrounding country and wher old, rain and snow struck Helena |