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Show Newo Notes I Front Lark Mr. and Mrs. Pave Magee ac companied ' by Mrs. William . Crittenden ' motored to Salt Lake Tuesday and spent the day. i Oyde Peterson and his chum Dick Pascoe visited in Salt Lake on Monday, ; - Mr. and " Mrs.. Wm. Welch of Riverton visited with - old-time t friends and relatives on Sunday. Joe Park of IUverton visited with hia mother Mrs. Margaret park on Monday. ; ; . Mrs. Clyde Price and little . daughter Virginia of Eureka are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fahrni. , j ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Peacock and daughters of Salt Lake visited in Lark with their many friends on Sunday-last ; Mrs. Nellie Starkey visited with friends and relatives in Dinkeyville and Copperfield 0n Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnt Thompson and family motored to Herriman . on Sunday and visited with friends. - . ' A delightful party was given j.. at the U. S. Boarding House in . Butterfield Canyon on Wednes- day evening by Mr. and Mrsif Axel Rhodes. Dancing andj cards were the features of the evening after which a delight-, f ul luncheon was served to the large number present, who in-, eluded some of Bingham's pop-! ular ladies and gentlemen. J The Lark Baseball team suf, fered defeat at the hands of the---Sandy team on Wednesday when' the score of 6 to 5 recorded in favor of the Sandy team. W. J. Fahrni and Henry Lohse were Salt Lake visitors on Tuesday. |