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Show Modern Girl Is Best Thing Woman Has Turned Out Since Evolution Began By MISS RACHEL COROTHERS, Author of "Nice People." The modern gi-rl is 25 per cent more honest and decent than her mother, just as her mother was 25 per cent more honest and decent titan the generation that preceded her. The important thing to direct your attention to now is the woman not the girl. The woman is doing the same things she objects to the girl doing, and she is doing these things in a manner that has far more influence that the girl's actions. A slim young girl can do certain things and it is not so bai. Let a woman twenty years older and many pounds fatter do this same thing and it becomes infinitely more vulgar and harmful. Instead of asking yourselves what you are going to do about the younger generation, you might ak. yourselves what the younger generation, genera-tion, as represented by the girl, thinks of you. Why put the responsibility on the girl, where it certainly does not belong? The modem girl is the beht tiling woman has turned out since evolution evolu-tion began. She is thinking for herself and refusing to follow the orthodox ortho-dox stuff that is handed out to her by the older gpnerab'o" There it danger in abutting her out |