Show Satisfactory Storage for Potatoes in Pits Properly constructed pits provide cheap but satisfactory storage for potatoes potatoes potatoes po po- throughout hout the storage season The spuds should be placed In the pit pitas pitas pitas as soon as harvested but should be given only a light covering at first says A. A E E. Hutchins vegetable specialist claUs University farm St. St Paul Care must be taken to keep them dry and well ventilated he cautions and when the ground freezes the covering should be Increased Pits should be made In well drained soils A good size Is s four feet deep six feet wide and as long as needed Pits of the above width and depth will hold about bushels for each five feet teet of length Ventilators should bebe bebe be bebe be placed every ery five feet These maybe may maybe maybe be six inches In diameter and three feet long Complete directions including simple simple simple sim sim- diagrams for making and using storage pits are contained In Special Bulletin No 85 of the Minnesota a agricultural agricultural agri agri- rl- rl cultural extension division This booklet hook hook- let also discusses cellars and warehouses warehouses ware ware- houses as ns well as the general subject of potato growing It may he be had free by writing Mailing Room University University University Uni Uni- Farm St. St Paul |