Show Rust-Proof Rust Copper Nails Obviate Water Seepage A common cause of early leakage of ot a wood shingle roof Is rapid corro corro- corrosion sloe sion of the nails nulls with which the shingles shingles shin shin- are ure fastened If It you OU use wooden shingles It t Is much more economical to use copper COllver or brass roofing rooting nails as ns a 0 protection against this source of ot rapid deterioration But nut there Is no better roof root covering than copper and while you might have said It costs too much you OU have seen seers that It Is cheaper because you pay for tor forIt forit It only once It lasts as long as the very ery foundations of your house It needs no upkeep repairs painting bitIs Lt bit Is fireproof per cent Connected with the ground by the downspout it furnishes n a most dependable protection against lightning A copper roof is economical In construction construction con con- because It Is much the lightest light est weight roofing material In addition additIon addition addi addi- tion a copper roof with the beautiful old green protective coating the weather er or the roofing contractor for it Is possible to color copper In 2 24 1 hours quickly gives it enhance the appearance appearance appearance appear appear- ance of any structure There are arc of ot course other good roofing materials But nut time has proved copper the best and while others ma may perform satisfactorily you know that copper positively will |