Show JusT by Charles S. S f f is I r Hard Work Give me the job that makes you hustle The kind of job that makes you scratch scratch- The job with which you have to tussle Before you prove that youre you're its match 1 I want no task ask that does not try me That does docs not put my wits to test test test- For only when I such things defy me Have I the chance to do my best i I shall shaH not think that life is dreary If I must fight to make my way wayNor way I Nor shall I whine if I am lam weary When I shall shaH reach the end of d day ay I Hard work I should not be afraid of Li From trying tasks task I should not flee They let me show the stuff Im I'm Im I'm n made of And help to make a man of me c E cX 1930 1950 Western Newspaper Union r 5 l l |