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Show OF COURSE DORIS WON OUT , What W Thr fr'Mothr 'to 8y I ? . . ,: in th Fae' f ; Such an ' i l 'a . . Arguments , '"f - ' i - . t J, (j " " They hatlbeen ihattlnjf'Bluc enter i fng tlie bus,' btit the Woman, who sat 1 opposite " them on top, beard notblng renl!y gond-; until Oranfi monument was reached. i" Without taxing lift; hearing in the least jthe - WOmai, learned . that they I were former xdiouliuates at the uni-j-verslty (for- university days, werte I, mentioned again ant) again) who were :reviHltln the city after number of jears. , , r 1" "I don't think the girls tot bis cen- I tury will ever stand for long skirts s again," remarked the one I the green 1 dress. "Reminds me of what Evelyn . was' tetlldg me juxt before I came away. .She was making a skirt for her daughter, Dnrlfj, Everything except the correct length' had been decided upon. Evelyn w-inted to mnke this a Uttle toiger than Doris' other skirts. She told her that the- fashion was for increiRhig the length'. But Doris'was .obdurafe, 1 . ' '. ; , t -ijvej.vn, . you know, generally lets lierliijve.her way in matters of dress, but tlfls' time le argued and Doris bnrstflnto tenr. "Re fair, mums,' She pic (led. 'ljonest Injtin, now which do jou.thlnk. I should take the advice of ,t one mother or of twenty girls? " V ' "And wh it happened?" 'Oli, mother sftortfped the skJrt, of courSRi" Excltange,.;' , v : |