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Show ' ; THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM, UTAH ' ' - ' I , ................ f j Vogue for Tailored Clothes; r j Knitted Coats Please Tots j - h RUMORS from Paris are floating us, telling ns that tailored clothes '.n new Interpretations are making long strides toward taking first place In the wardrobe. In a measure they appear to be supplanting after-noon dress and may divide popularity with sports clothes at winter resorts. From these they seem to have taken their cue; for the new suits and tail-ored dresses are youthful, trim, even boyiali, and formal suits reflect some-thing of this buoyancy of the mode. In dresses, bodice of one material which we please to term "style" so as-serted Itse'f as In knitted outerwear. The style element has especially en-tered Into chlldrens' knitted outer garments. Those versed In childhood's ways agree that tiny tots are aston-tshl- y sensitive to the niceties of at-tractive color and clever detail In the clothes they wear. In the charming, knitted coats brought out this season little girls' Ideals of all that Is loveliest In winter wraps are realized. It Is safe to suy that mother or big sister experience no more rapturous to'mm ' i wt rfw ) i, ,ii v'ltrfirYilQ,;, 1 Hsndiomo of Tailored Costume. and skirts of another are among the Ideas that are destined to hold over the transition from winter to spring at d in suits there are handsome models In which coats are of different fabric from the skirt or dress worn under them. One such model Is shown In the picture. It Is a handsome example having a full, short coat of a soft-pli- a laonc worn ever a dress of heavy crepe, matching It In color. Fine mar-ten fnr. In the collar, cuffs and and trimm'"A make the coat a very rich thrills over their luxurious seal oi chinchilla fur coats than does little Miss Two-to-Sev- (perhaps older, per-haps younger) over her knitted coat, especially when it has brushed wool collar and cuffs such as are shown on the coat to the right In the picture. The attractiveness of the garment Is greatly enhanced by rout rusting a elose even stitch In tht waist and sleeves, with a fancy wtde-we- lt stitch for the skirt, plaited In broad border. Of course the buttons with knitted lis v I; a ' i.iaili iaaiuiJ'"r1l' j'jaN!ats)'l'WW I ',( V, . 1 I jt ' , ' " "'' I Two harming Models for Uttls Ones. affair and an Heborate girdle, of silk and metal braid, undertakes t bear ut the richness of the fur. The long-est of not tassels Is MUHpeiuU! from silk ornaments and cords; It reuclitt the bottom of the skirt and Is a splen-did and telling garnishment. The season hns prenented hunlsnme suits of this kind in which rlh fur fabrics are used to the best advantage. They make the coats and the lower part of dresse of crepe or other suit-able material worn under them. For Iicr of kindergarten ne, what coeUl he prettier ttmn a knitted coiit, fin h 11 j the little girls In the pic-ture are wearing? In no class of an-- ' lorei h s UiMt hilui.ible bciiR'tldiit'j loot are exactly the right fialshlna touch. It Is the fashion to wear hats te mutch the knitted coat, a brushed ool snug nip tis the cuffs and collar of some, on the taller girl. The fact that the knitted con Is as garment should also be taken Into consideration. Wnip.s itt herewith portrayed serve ltiilniby In iiildHensnn, and they nre wcr ready when cool smnmer hreis mlr or nutuuin'H clilll conn-- s no. CSTTBOf It VBTUM MVVUU uwow Merdkant Now Ed8 Anything on ' Table aaaaaaaaaaaBaa JS US' the help of Tanlac I haw orw come a case of nervous Indigestion I bad Buffered from for ten or twelve , years," Is the emphatic statement of Norman W. Drown, well-know- n wail paper and paint dealer, of 213 N. Cedar St, Charlotte, N. 0. "My Btomach was always oot of fix and everything disagreed with me. 1 was troubled with heartburn and dizzi-ness, and at times there was a pres-sure of ens around ny heart that al-most cut off my breath. Since taking Tanlac my dlgestten Is fine. My appetite is a wonder and I eat Just anything I want In fact, my stomach acts and feels Just like a new one and my nerves are as steady as a die. To put it all In a few words, I am Just the same as a new man. It's a pleasure for me to tell my friends about Tanlac" Tanlac is sold by alt good druggists, Advertisement. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Hot water fcasL-iil-i Sure Relief 254 AND 75t PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ; TOO" LATE Death only a matter of short time, Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking JLATHROP'S The world's standard remedy for kidneys liver, bladder and uric add troubles the National Remedy of Holland since 169& Guaranteed. Three sues, all druggists. Look tmw tha nam Cold Madal en atif bos and aeeapt no imitatkm Not a Laxative i ' Nnol Is a lubricant not ft medicine or laxative so cannot gripe. When yon are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro-duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because It aots like )' this natural jj--- J lubricant and , IvjMojH thus replaces ' 1 an, Ui pate!,. Pi iddI im,, Ma A wi17 law, e. w. , 7t irw.M, CTWM., cwtaao r-OSC-ASA AQUININE i Stanrt otd remedy wo, Id Demand ox bearins Mr. HHI-- g portrait nd rignaUm, MSI WITCHELL EYE SALVE at all SniRBi,",8, Safa fPeodr. 86o Giris! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura OUR COMIC SECTION R'member "j flOW WH USED TO LEAVE COAL LYIM I klti M . " NlWin AROUNP ON THE SIPEAWK AAD nLW. JT fplTY' WillMrr--. i :i2SP SlpV (lOOK't PAPPY ' . :::5l COAL 1 LJi-- I FOVMP iH - Illl.l. . ' IJll.lH !' r MTfSsol iii iH(ini ' !i. , - 4 rf frf If,.... I ' ' iHitllll" , (Capptfct W N t4 i.'!,'' ' . A The Mooern Youth. Two-- flappers were looking at the window display. They paused befora the figure of a woman, dressed In a gown that dated back half a century. After lnHpectlng it closely one of them was moved to speech. SalcWie: "Say. kid, It's no wonder girls was reserved In them days. Why, If a fel-low would rough-hous- e a girl In them klnda clothes she'd 'bust I" That's Right Felix. Bury Your Trouble dou! 1 HAD SOME JOB lb I p op CET EVE.H LITTLE 6fT- - J, V EVERM TlM I TftX TO prEAki V)! v A P A "OQP'HDWES IM r-- J Wit 7X) . , Ira II c ft "eLhj mA h 0;i Making Mistakes r "" " " ttJueu -- w vawcr iakes a wstakes . MB Ttv64 TK CAS AGW M &VtS UOOOM KWOVJ H' --5faWC6 ....... . "Til (joX --"r" 3 OP COPE WS 91UT& AUO |