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Show III -1 Western Brevities j. . I from the Many ' Western. Slates Omaha. The Union Pacific railroad notified the interstate commerce commission com-mission of a general reduction in ship-pins ship-pins rates from Missouri river points . west to the Pacific coast, it was announced an-nounced at Union l'acific hoadquart-ers hoadquart-ers here. The reductions include-rates include-rates on corn and wheat and mer cliandise. Caliente. Two deaths have occured at Caliente in the last week from drinking denatured alcohol. A Strang, er named J. F. Cascaddin staggered into the Union l'acific yard office and complained of being very sick, adding that bvhad been drinking denatured alcohol A few minutes later he went outside and laid down and died. Boneham, Tex. Alvia Turner, 22, aviator was killed at Leonard near here whea he attempted to descend from his plane in a parachute. The parachute failed to open and the youth fell 1500 feet Llncolon. State Snerlff Gus Hyers has received information, be announced announc-ed to the effect that two five-dollar Dills, corresponding in serial number with those stolen ny the mint bandits at Denver, were expended one at Aurora, Neb. San Francisco. Hundreds of Market Mar-ket street shoppers saw-S. Fukosml of Fresno leap to his death from the twelfth floor of the llobart building. The pohce said they believe be was deranged. Spokane. With the announcement that he believes he will get further by honest than by selling liquor Charles Dale, known locally aa "King of the Bootlecgers," says that he has decided to give up law breaking and has gone to work at bis o)d trade, meat cutting. Denver. Denver traffic officers are to be illuminated not "lit up" in the general sense of the word, but at the same time, lighted. A new system of controlling traffic at crowded corners la Denver will be put into fefect. The Invention, that of A. G. l'aine, automobile auto-mobile man, consists of a large leather belt with a red light on th front and back. Traffic officers will wear this belt and electric batteriea will be carried. ' j Bismark. Financial and public welfare wel-fare problems and others having to do with political considerations will face the North Dakota legislature when it convenes here January 3. For the first time in three regular sessions and two special sessions, it will not be controlled by the Nonpartisan Nonpar-tisan league. Spokane. Investigation baa started In an effort to determine whether traces of poison spray remaining on fresh fruit caused the death of Edgar L. Wornom, aged V. and serious illness ill-ness of his sister, Marjory, aged Astoria. Approximately 80 per cent of the 150 safes in the district of Astoria wrecked in the fire of December De-cember 7, preserved their contents Intact, nccordlng to J. Frank Pnrcell of Portland, who is heading the safe j opening activities. ' El Centro. Airplane transportation V' between Los Angeles and Imperial valley points has been started, the first plane engaged for the service having completed Its maiden trip from Los Angeles to El Centro, Calif. U brought two passengers, although R -has accomodations for eight. INiwhuBka. okiu. A pair of prize Poland-China hogs probably will be included In n shipment nf hlua ribbon livestock which Is to be sent from this country to China in on effort to inject new life into China's rapidly dwindling livestock industry. y San Antonio. Through application of the Woodmen of the World, the injunction suit filed against the order iy San Antonio citizens to restrain ocstructloa of a hospital for tuber-i-ulars here bas been transferred to he federal court. Chicago. Feeding sheep and lambs for slaughter increased about 20 per ent this year over l2l with the argest number being prepared for market In the western irrigated re- l' ,'ion, the division of crop and livestock estimates of the t'nlted Stiles de-' partment of agriculture announced. Seattle. The tale of the hardships that followed the wrecking of the .Scuttle fishing schooner Washington in Yakataga Bay, Alaska, last November, No-vember, has beea brought here by two members of her crew, krling Olson, Ol-son, and Olaf Larson, with the five "thers of the crew, Olson and Uirsoa were marooned 22 days on the rocky,, stormy shore of Yakataga bay. Dtir Ing this time they were on a rattoi f one meal a day, fenrlng that they voul.i have to remain In that place ntll bp ring. |