Show tA 7 Access to Water I Beneficial to Swine vine bas been demonstrated many by by experiment stations as ns well 1 r thousands of ot producers rs that thatto to do o better and make larger gains gainsa a given amount of feed teed when have constant access to water IT a hog drinks only small Iles at a time but it likes to Often it will drink several during daring one feeding period when run run to a self-feeder self at nt will lithe j the feed is thrown on the theor thea or on nn a feeding floor where the tile ual hUb hob g must eat in competition II K large group It is not likely to tor for r wr r water so long as there Is Isto Isto to to eat But nut when It can cnn run self feeder feeder it ft soon learns that Jill n be plenty of feed feci left when Then it b begIns gins to eat more tely and to drink several se before it has satisfied its hun- hun I |