Show B Brooks Brook's rook s Funeral After attending the tho funeral se servIces ser ser- vices ekes for tor George Brooks Sr a at St. St George Utah Sunda iT T. T Parry Sunday April 20 E. E L returned returns d home Tuesday Mr Parr Parry Y was one of ot the at the l speakers Georgo Brooks whose a home at St. St was George r fathered Utah where ere he be has ha an exceptionally 1 large family was VeaS raised I Parrys Parry's b by E. E T T. T lather father His while mother dl died d attempting g to cross the P plains lal ns I with the handcart handcar t and his father tather worn company out by in 18 1866 the he strain n of ot the journey died the night he e arrived In Salt L Lae City Mr bir Brooks Brook leaves s 5 eleven children who living lining were all aU at the fun tun- eral One of hisBrook his hb 8 sons Samuel Brooks Brook s Is the husband of Winnifred Winni- Winni iced fred Parry P arry Brooks dau daughter g h ter of Mr an and d Mrs bits E. E T. T Parry |