Show Many People En joy Enjoy Canyons r Ranger Anderson while tagging cattle in Huntingto found a num- num get ger of young stock whose ears had boon been completely chewed off ott last season on the Forest by dogs from Mohrland It was Impossible to find enough ear In which to insert a a. ta tag tac I All AU the tho roads loading leading to the canyons can- can mi nn ou both aides nf of the Forest J v. v were used by hundreds of ot visitors on Easter Sunday Ranger cox reports re- re reports reports re re- ports that more than 1000 people spent Easter Sunday in Twelve TwelveMile TwelveMile TwelveMile Mile canyon A great many others spent Friday and Saturday pre- pre Easter In the canyons In order to keep the young folks home for the Easter d day y services In Inch church ch Ranger Thursby has recently put up one of the new portal signs at atthe atthe atthe the Forest boundary alon along the Orangeville Ephraim road This I road has been dragged and put In excellent shape as far up aa as the tho creosote tank 1 approximately 7 miles above town In an address before the Engineering Engin Engin- Engineering Foundation Dr Charles H H. H Herty i in discussing the use of cellulose called attention to the fact that raw material such as wood pulp and cotton to the value alue of when whom manufactured manufactured manufactured manu manu- Into rayon had bad a value of He calls tails attention to the fact also that the annual yield per acre of of wood In Canada C Continued on last page Many People Enjoy E joy Canyons an 0 n Continued from Crom Page one angel anges from Crom Ibs lbs for red spruce 0 o 2000 Ibs lbs for tor white pine Iano Ir In no southern states slash pine pro pro- acres auces Ibs lbs per acre annually a n a other words because of ot the it 1 eater seater amount of ot sunlight ht in the states something like 7 i times Mmes as much cellulose will grow on a section of or land in southeastern southeast southeast- ern rn In Georgia as s will grow in Canaday Canada y protecting the Forests orests of the th south where in the comparatively recent past some burning has been Jone annually there are actually millions of ot acres of land that can cano JO o made to produce timber suitable suit suit- suitable able for tor wood pulp Since the ayon industry Is only 8 years old things can bo be expected along his line in the near future The rhe Long-Bell Long Lumber Company of Jt Longview Washington Is 15 plant- plant ng acres of cut over land at he be present resent time The species being beng being be be- ing ng planted are arc Douglas fir spruce and white t fir r. r The last are for tor pulpwood three Fifty-three men nen are employed in the work Seven ven hundred twenty-one twenty men cook took the Forest Ranger examination examina- examina ion tion in the fall tall of or 19 1929 1939 9 Of or these 61 al 1 passed and 56 66 names were held rater J from the 1928 examination making a total of men now on he eligible list New appointments rom the tho Ranger Register have decreased decreased decreased de de- creased greatly during the last 10 f years For this reason the examination 1 atlon has been made more difficult with a view to securing those men best equipped by education intelligence Intelligence Intelli- Intelli gence and experience to meet the steadily rising demands upon Forest Forest Forest For For- est officers j I I I I |