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Show GENERAL LABOR NEWS Union plumbers of Fort Worth, Texas, Tex-as, voluntarily reduced their daily wages from $10 to $9. The scale Is effective ef-fective April 1. Contracts for signal and Interlocking Interlock-ing " plant Improvements this year, amounting to $700,000, lmve been let by the Northern Pacific railway. , Hoisting engineers of St. Louis, voted vot-ed to accent a cut In their wages from $1.25 n hour to H.ISH cents an hour, Tlie reditced en!e becomes effective t once. '. Mines m Zncateas are opening again and fright rates are generally more favorable N shippers, according to mining min-ing men in El Pno who have mteresta To the Mexican state. " ; Anticipation of a ninrked dwllne In nnslness, -owing to the mine strike, was given by the Chicago & Alton rood as a reason for laying off ISO employees employ-ees f the B1"inlngton till.) shops. Compulsory nrliltmtlon of labor disputes dis-putes m Norway Is provided for In a bill wlopted by the lngtlng. Tlie mens-tire mens-tire Is m the same form as when It pnwd the oddsting. It therefore be-rmes be-rmes a law. Two hundred men wont buck to wrk at the National Flreprooflng work at Hobart. Ind., which has been Mle since last fall. Improved bus'ness conditions make certain that the plant will be. operated several months. Idle freight cars on March 15 totaled to-taled SuljU", a decrease of 7.135, compared com-pared with the 89S.982 on March 8, according to report to the American Ibiilway association. Surplus con! cars la good repair numbered 79,803, a decrease de-crease of 6.(501. Meuiters of the Sheet Metal Workers4 Work-ers4 union in Syracuse, N. Y., voted to accept a wage cut of from $1 an hour to 00 cents. The contractors agreed fo concessions which will make the working conditions better for tlie men. Tlie new scale will be effective May 1. This ends a lockout that has been to force for several weeks. The Round Oak Stove works at Dowaglac. the biggest concern of Its , kind In Michigan, went back to a five-day five-day a week schedule. For a year the factory has been running three days a week with a greatly reduced force. Other stove factories at Dowaglac, It was Indicated, would also Increase the working week without nutting on more men. Wage cuts, running as high as 20 per cent in some departments, have been submitted hy the Marlboro (Mass.) Shoe company to Its employees. A stipulation In the agreement between the union and the company provides that all matters pertolnlng to a reduction reduc-tion of wages inuHt be submitted to the state bourd of arbitration and conciliation, concilia-tion, which will be done In this case. . Union miners, formerly employed by the Falrnjont-Morgantown Coal company com-pany at Lowesvllie, near Morgantown, W. Va., lost their fight to retain possession pos-session of company houses when two constables, armed with eviction warrants war-rants and definite Instructions to oust whomever and whatever are In the houses, lock the doors and turn the keys over to John V. Illte, president of the company, began the work. Employment exchanges in Francs found permanent and temporary employment em-ployment In 1021 for over 1,000.(XKJ workers. , Work was found for 250.000 wonien and nearly 500.000 general laborers. la-borers. Twenty-five per cent of the vacancies filled Involved a change of residence for the workers. ,s A . new wage agreement signed by representatives of the ArnalKamterf Association of Street and Electric Hallway Kmployees of Ameri'H and oflicers of the . Manchester (N. 11.) Street Railway compa'y, rails for s cut tit 5 cents, per hour In wages aui W pc cent reduction li i mtiiue. J r |