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Show i; COPPERFIELD (Tlie Copporfleld Community club its monthly meetln t the Cop-perfleld Cop-perfleld school House Saturday of last 't ' week. A business meeting was held. - ' the school children gave a small pro- l gram and cards were enjoyed. Tbme winning prizes were : Mrs. George Car-r-co. ladles' first prize; Mrs. Joe Mac-ro.,ald. Mac-ro.,ald. ladies' second prize; -Miss Edith Itorg. ladies' Consolation: Mr. James King, men's first prize; Mr. A. I 3 Llncombe. men's w-cond prize. Mr , '-. John Knudsen. men's Onsolntlon A Z ' '' luncheon was served and the meeting r '? ' "Tnl'Mrs. Oeorge Ralls and Mis. !- ' nrVth'a Todd of Missouri have return- ? ed to Bingham to make It their homo. , : . Mr nd Mrs. Joe MacDonald and . their' three children, old residents of ' JSndinrn. have returned after an ex-tended ex-tended visit to California. ' . Mi.s ivv FUlda left Tuesday of this : ; ,vPek- to rend two or three mor.tU tn Murray with frl-nds. |