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Show Bingham Society Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Chandler and daughter motored ito iSalt Lake City last Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. J. li. Myers nnd son Int Saturday and Sunday In Salt Lake Oty. Mrs. Eugene Morris and her children, child-ren, Helen and Hazel, have gone to ' rnimiKan for:a visit of several weeks. The WfT-t-WHB regular iineutliig at the public library April 6. Mrs. Alma Jones entertained at a card party at her home In Highland Ttoy last Saturday night A delicious ' ' luncheon wus served. Mrs. A. C. Cole went to Salt Lake (City Baturdny to attend tlie monthly ; luncheon of the American Associate ' of -University 'Women. ' The Community Club of Highland ;- Iioy met at the sc1m1 house last Fri day nlglit. They were entertained by :a musical program under the direction ' of Mr. H. D. Chrlstenson. . 'Mr. und Mrs. Sam Jones, with their ; house guests. Mrs. Victor Matson and Mr. Edgar Holmgren, motored to Sail Lake Saturday and t wk In the theaters. thea-ters. Miss Zutarern gaye several readings nnd a double trio, consisting of Frances Fran-ces Bill, :Sarah KIrby, Lillian Anderson, Ander-son, -Jean Edwards, Russell Thomas ... nnd Jtobect Colyar rendered two selec-" selec-" j tlons. Luncheon" tffik served to HI M J anenlbers by (the following hostesses: l ,' JHra. Wilier, Mrs. V. Chrlstensen, Mrs. SHyhtnd and Mrs, Gerrans. Mrs. F. T.. Miller entertained at s large ard party Friday evening. The 1 ! jwlae dinners were Mr. Vaugnan tnns- tenson, Mr. "Hardy. Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Tauglian Cbrtetensen and Mrs. Nlchol- ! ', son. lmnCJieon was served at a late I j fir. and Mrs. James Nerdln cele- 1 brated tUeir twwitietii wed "iiig an;;!- ' ' I Ternary Wednesday evening with a - 'I curd party. Tlie following guests were . ' f Jnvlted: Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Mr. and t (f Mrs. II. Nichols. Mr- and Mrs. Tluim- f ' !1 Nerdln. Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard, Mr. ; and rs. Wriglit and Mr. and Mrs. Ray I Kenner. |