Show game with paper dolls i will teach deaf pupils new orleans the lip reading pu pils in seven new orleans public schools this fall will learn their les sons by a scientific paper doll g game miss ruth proctor who teaches handicapped pupils from six years old to high school age will illustrate a new lecture on how jennie germ can creep into milk and transmit tuberculosis in the game will be the milk sprites pat protein sherman su gar fred phosphorus and waltel water who fight against jennie germ tl e children will watch the teacher s I 1 ps as she tells the story and will watch the paper dolls enact a play tl TI e c children 1 ren also will see how the lichtl ouse of health is bu it pro gres by the exercise rock the qun sunshine shine stone the plenty of food pebble and other components getting germs into the body cas tie tle is part of the progressive game only two gates of entry are open to the germ the nose and mouth gates each child will have a germ which will try to get by the gate but the owner oner of the body castle can foil th germs when carried in by the hand by washing the hands another germ hidden in milk can be stopped by having the milk pas and so on Pir pictures tures will be used almost ex elusively clu at first the teacher will form the syllables of simple words with her lips encouraging pupils to do I 1 helise hallowed evening sacred once deeply religious has become a mere outlet for license destruction gross injury to property a far cry in spir it from hallowed evening to pres 1 ballowe en and not tor for the best est either |