Show ITS i F i copied from the utah farmer not many years ago when I 1 was well supplied with dough I 1 never thought I 1 d come to grief and have to labor on relief to pack a shovel on my back and get out and labor for the jack to buy my flour by the sack and bum some coal to warm my shack I 1 neath thought I 1 d see the day when my debts I 1 d have to pay nor did I 1 ever think I 1 d see the bank as stony broke as me for in those good old days of yore I 1 had a credit at the store and the bank as sure as fate would see see my bills all paid to date but one day the bank doors shut and then I 1 knew what kinda mutt I 1 d been tor for twenty years or more and just found out that I 1 was poor they had a plaster on my farm and said we 11 sure make it warm tor for you and all your ilk if this bank you try to bilk but I 1 long to fret for frank lin D s new alphabet made those bankers all regret that they had got i the saints so far in debt A it seems to me was right behind the while and sent those bankers straight to well it wouldn t do tor for me to tell about the and roosevelt got the to give the banks a holiday and when the farmers couldn coulden t pay he put them on the so now I 1 in having quite a spree I 1 ve tried them all but I 1 in in the and and also owe the HOLC but I 1 in afraid the s will put me on the HOG USES or are lots of tun fun I 1 must confess but the thing that makes me glad is selling things I 1 never had for this farming craze will make you shiver with amaze and makes you seasick when you gaze across those miles of golden maize golden corn I 1 didn dian t raise on that non production land of mine will make you stagger like red wine and see that barn I 1 didn dian t build which with these crops I 1 haven t filled D d you ever see the beat t I 1 triple A has bought my wheat which 1 I swear I 1 never had and my neighbors sure are mad one of them he said by gad I 1 I 1 reckon it its s just too bad for us poor men who sweat and toll to get our living from the soil but you get it without any toil toll but I 1 sold a car of duroc sows and a herd of 0 bald face cows for that is what the lays allows in these days of broken vows now I 1 in as as rich can be sellin cows and pigs I 1 didn dian t see and that crop curtailment tee fee that uncle sammy gave to me oh me oh my oh hully gee it s all so mix ed it seems to me but get more money so I 1 can from this soil ero sion plan for they tell me that it pays to let your livestock graze to plant your land to milo maize malze so black blizzards will not raise to hida hide the sunshine from your gaze I 1 gneses my head la is in a maze and my guess my bead head is in a maze and my lieve quite all it says this tale is far beyond belief tor for I 1 in only work ing on relief by H W severe Grants grantsville ville frank beckwith notary public |