Show dr A hutchings will be at his office beginning monday march 29 to resume his work all desiring work done will be able to obtain it as he will be there for an unlimited time adv ax featuring the newest party dress es spring coats manish suits mil spring stocket stock of Hos hosiery lary olov glov es rayon D stevens co ladles ladies department adv trade in your old mattress tt it is 1 worth 6 on a new one on april 1 2 and 3 D stevens co furni r Dp artmont adv ady trade in your old mattress it Is 13 worth 5 on an a new one on april 1 2 and 3 D stevens co furni ture department adv your easter outfit will be charming and complete it selected at josephine se a style shop just arrived many new models la ln daytime and evening frocks also suits coats and hats adv adt |