Show Liv livestock estoch show scheduled in delta on may 14 15 the millard county junior jun 1 or live stock show is set for may ind ith th committee meetings tor for the live stock show were held in the delta high school monday march 22 with about 75 men and boys in attend ance problems pertinent to the live stock show were discussed with fine i coming from several of the committees included superintend nten ten dent paxton who suggested that the millard miliard county high school day be held on friday priday the first day of the show which would mean that all of the high school students would be transported to delta and would be permitted to take part in the ties of the day this suggestion met with full approval of the comm atee tit would lave to have hale the sanction of the other I 1 agh schools before it could be settled the date set for the show is may 14 and 15 at the sugar factory warehouse albert black suggest ed that the boy scout camp 0 ree be held at the time of the show and on the grounds this would of course iring I 1 ring a lot of people to the show who otherwise would not be in at action on this suggestion was deferred ired until a meeting of the executive board in the near future the committees selected are PUBLICITY vim J starley chairman nolan mitchell secretary HOUSING GROUNDS melvin J roper chairman BEEF EXHIBITS evan johnson chairman dead clead N elson vice chairman carl nixon vice chairman calvin warnick secretary SIFTING BEEP BEEF EXHIBITS spencer nielson leo lyman lawrence christensen Chrls DAIRY EXHIBITS clan ciali gardner chairman sterling bennion vice chairman SHELP EXHIBITS fenton gardner chairman parley warnick vice chairman chai vert verl alien allen vice chairman SWINE EXHIBITS ray bishop chairman HORSE PULLING harry crane chairman POULTRY RABBITS L D harris chairman POULTRY C B faulkner chairman talmage christensen Chrls vice chairman phil nielson maiben jacobson RABBITS don A bishop chairman robert langley vice chairman I 1 oger walker vice chairman since the board of education has granted a field day tor for the boys of the agricultural agn cultural departments of the delta aal an 1 hinckley high schools in the near future to enable the boys to see as many of each others pro eject as possible it was decided that as many of these committeemen and parents should go as possible so that that they could see tor for themselves just what is to be had in the way of exhibits for the show A first meet ing of the board will be the first monday following field day un less other notice is given everyone in millard county will be eligible to compete tor for prizes in tl e slow in any or all of the classes so plans should be made now to get the ai at emals ready tor for showing the committees ask the full cooperation of everyone in millard county to help in every way possible to make this sl ow the biggest and best ever held in fit millard county |