Show CROP REPORT salt lake city may 30 temperatures have continued u usually high and only scatter scattered cd traces of light showers ot of rain 0 burred rain Is much needed e especially on the low r ranges and dry land grains ini gated grains and beets are do r g airey fairly airly well but the first cutting of hay Is very poor livestock are doing well on the higher ranges but water Is scarce and forage poor on lower ranged u the hay harvest is under way at 1 I 0 gan rain Is badly needed it ed grain is growing nicely at bear river city but dry land grain will shoie con considerable loss wind lia a dried out the soil appreciably in the salt lake valley but watered crops are looking well rain Is needed at tooele thoele wild grass pastures are fair at provo alfalfa cutting has pro gre greased sed on less than halt a crop some early beets have been thinned ed the lower ranges at manti mantl are in bad condition and some sheep loss es have nave occurred due to scarcity of water streams continue to dwindle and irrigated crops are suffering tor for want ot of water many acres of 0 alfalfa will not be cut grains are doing comparatively well all crop growth Is retarded by the drouth at rich field sugar beets show good stands and thinning Is progressing some alfalfa is being harvested because ot of weevil damage pastures are drying south winds have been de destruct strite ti alve ve to crops at deseret ranges are I 1 v very ery dry the first cutting of hay is good at Ll ilford lowland grains are fair but upland fields are dry ing badly well water is holding up satisfactorily cedar city had 05 inch of rain range feed is dry and short but livestock are fair livestock water Is diminishing at duchesne and the pastures need rain strong winds prevailed at price being harmful to crops and water supplies the lower ranges are in bad condition crops are poor at emery and escalante the first alfalfa cutting Is good at green river irrigation water is plentiful the blanding Bland lne range needs ain rain J C alter rain at panguitch fairly good in on the tile and rain at manti mantl and in n emery county buy am lean ican nd keep a man at it ork tn in the united states not in ir sone son e other country |