Show COUNTY AGENTS there Is a drouth situation in utah moie mole severe than has ever before been known in the state instead of 25 to 30 per cent normal water will be 15 to 25 per cent and in most cases the water tor for culli culinary tary use and for stock Is now exhausted the principal streams are now equivalent to a late august flow waste ot of wa wit ter should be eliminated head gates should be repaired ditches cleaned etc etc short runs and heavy wa ter duty Is suggested on sandy or gravelly soil and smaller streams w on heavier soil clean off all willows on the ditch banks if your turn la is at night bight don t set the water and then go to bed stay with it so that there may be no loss by breaking out transfer of water from areas of low productive value to adeas of high productive value Is urged aher ever possible lands on which the possibilities of producing a crop ire remote should be abandoned this season and the ava ilabel water ap plied on lands which will produce the situation in regail to ranges Is critical cattle and sheep will probably have to be driven oft off the ranges by july 1 in many cases there is but little teed feed in the val leys for summer use stockmen are urged to redi ce their herds in an or derly manner there will be an acute shortage of hay in the fall alfalfa on areas bhele the water supply la inadequate should be pastured oft off rather than to attempt to produce a crop audate top and your seed crop white top on your farm may spell failure do you wish to tall fall in ili an environment of success 7 the delta project Is one of the very few in the state which has sut suf focient water supply to mature at least a part of the crops successfully this summer hay is sure to sell at A EL good figure but many of the best hay farms on the project are infest ed with whitetop the farming ar aas to which hay may be shipped this winter will demand that all the whitetop hay be placed under strict quarantine quai antine and not be allowed to be moved out for sale don t stack white top hay with good bay hay stack it by itself or bet ter yet burn it on the ground the infested hay can t be shipped and it will prevent the sale of any hay lt it Is mixed with and as to whitetop in your seed that Is sure to spell quarantine and the loss of all of the seed if you are to continue in the seed growing business you must grow seed clean biorn whitetop soon at the present rate of intes tation all of our fields will be con laminated tamina ted state regulations de mand sampling of all seed and it if the seed contains seeds 0 of noxious weeds the destruction of the entire lot is mandatory you cannot afford to have any tiace of whitetop found in your alfalfa seed the delta sec see tion will soon be out of the seed growing game permanently unless extreme measures are taken to keep our seed clean from whitetop care tn in eradicating whitetop will keep you in the farming business carelessness will be sure to put you out county agent |