Show helmore FILLMOR 6 taa P P 6 F I 1 P 65 weather bureau J J starley makes the following report tor for the month of july maximum tempera ciro degree minimum tem liera tiie 61 51 degrees I 1 43 inches inched mrs william swallow and son bon alva aiva have gone to cedar city to visit with friends mr and mrs orin or gunnison Gunn lgon dopero spen ia fl few days in fillmore this week as the guests of mr and mrs C A robinson mrs pal mers parents attorney C W colllns collins ot of salt lake spent a few ew hours in fillmore monday on legal business mr ray warner and one of hla his lady friends from richfield were fillmore visitors on sunday cashier W A robinson returned a now new essex car mr M S smart purchased a new ford touring car from the warner garage this week horn born to mr and mrs frank franic warner on tuesday a baby boy mother molher and son doing nicely mr arden hancort who has been in nevada and california for about two months returned home homa on tuesday danial Ste yens diazen stevens and J W starley ot of delta and their families left wednesday morning to spend a few days angling tor for at fish lake S A greenwood and family from los angeles are visiting here |