Show 4 v III lk 0 51 1 1 N 1 lokk 0 o N ier ION N I 1 wl t 44 I 1 X aka W 1 1 V ZA ERNEST BAMBERGER republican CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR while the policy of this paper is non partisan it is also its policy to broadcast any information it can get about any candidate for any office so that the general public may all the more intelligently cast it s vote it is every voters duty to make himself as well acquainted with the qualifications and meals ideals of every candidate as he possibly can before casting his ballot it is not too early to begin now for the coming election E ernest rnest bamberger who was at the recent republican con antion nominated for united states senator is forty forcy five years lid id is the son of mr and mrs J E bamberger and has all his le fe been a resident of utah he is well educated a successful justness us iness man and has held many other public positions of trust responsibility following Fal lowing is an editorial on mr air bamberger 1 len I en from the salt lake tribune A STRONG NOMINEE ernest bamberger as the candidate of his party for the united states presents a much more formidable figare than he did a fcc ago and before the meeting of the conven lon ion which chose him for the highest office in the gift of the cople of the stale not only was mr air bamberger nominated on he first ballot but his nomination was made by a comfortable majority ity and after a test vote had bad been had on a resolution in holving the unit rule before the convention there had been much isser assertion tion that the delegates instructed for mr air bamberger would t f permitted gladly leave him for some one of the other candi lates the vote on the resolution designed to destroy the unit rule in n which his political fortunes were assumed by some to depend bowed that mr air bamberger had a clear majority of the conven lon ion and that the men bound by instructions did not regard their instructions as obnoxious f fetters etters mr bamberger Bam bergers s mandate seems perfectly clear there is no law in his title to the nomination that he did obtain it in such incisive fashion rebounds distinctly to his credit and emphasizes he confidence dence in which he is held by the members of his party and nd this in particular since the gentlemen opposing him for the lamination lomi tomi nation all had notable sources of strength and were worthy of itei most serious consideration mr bamberger is a young man as age is reckoned these daysie is affluent well educated and has been a successful mine operator and business man since his graduation from college and entrance nt rance into active life due to the modesty which has always characterized him ho he is perhaps not so well known as some other nen of his hiis years but his friends and acquaintances who know him cst agree that he possesses solid capacity and that he thinks dong correct lines for his judgment to be of most value to the people eople of this state and region if elected he should prove a high y efficient senator |