Show mm HIKING DOWN THE LONG BROWN PATH r with shelter tents and tin cow learning to walk valk all over again ohl oh it its not th the pack that you earry crry on your back nor th rifle on your shoulder nor the th R alv vs inch crust of 0 khaki color colora aut t that akes you fel feel your limbe limb are r gr wing older and its not fhe on the th hard turnpike that drives away your smile nor the sock eck s of asters that raso ral the th bloo minor blisters balat r its the cant long lone brills trills plattsburgh Plata Platts burh burgh marching song bon 0 stringing out from the suburban transit terminals of new york tork every sunday and holiday goes the army at 0 klingl linkem there may be an automobile for every twenty of the th count rys population but a host ot of city faem disprove the theory of a future leg enfeebled citizenry and are a learning learn liiK to walk all over again to the more casual minded th the hike alk la Is just but to those who wh catch its real significance the hike a grent ia deal more it Is the forill of recreation ind and therefore appeals to those living la III irow crowded ded and unable to avail eh pi of the more expensive ex amusements and these people be it noted are just those the country Is ie 0 so o anxious to have hare spread out and nettled mottled in the farming sections the like indeed has lia possibilities as it ft reni starter tor for the baek to the farin movement doughboy and boy scout lead way just a brief survey of the rollicking groups which niovi move off from the outlying terminals on holidays estall lishem a few general types type there Is 1 the ex berlice sen ire man and his big friends friend who will hear bear from him the story of more serious excursions on tile the muddy roads of france he tight tens ens a liere here and another there on the blanket roll adjustment or tile the shelter half in which the commissary la Is packed for the midday bild day feast by the roadside expert directions came fram mm illin him on the method of stinting tile the pack so go it will not feel to so heavy or interfere with the free body movement lie he will pass along alon the information gained in his army days of how that same pack was evolved after numerous experiments to flod find tile the easiest way of carrying the heaviest load with results he now compliments but which he characterized when a doughboy 29 Is blank total fal failure lure then there are the boy scout pap pan ties adept at everything pertaining to shanks mare traveling and woodcraft tile the ex man and the clr buy bry scout tire lire pioneers plo ners la in the hiking gaine kimino listen to one of them right off the train and making ready for a twelve mile jaunt get that carr can teen over to the side jimmie find it wont keep bouncing on off your leg le every step Is it filled well then we drink how flow about the eats lets lt check em cm off you tot got tile the saudi pud bill the bacon jimmie who his has the coffee find and the borden tin cowf right Ills lil here announces a freckled torr and af if r ho ron ro piatt tl his I 1 lyndi i iii it snitched snatched Snit ched tile the mocha and the un nn of nilla when six sl loo look lillig lii well then lets gal so I 1 snaps the conini of the till this party in 1 traveling light tor for real distance another must expect to 1 make a shorter hitch or else be count I 1 ing ng grantly tin nn KB its power of endur once perhaps the camp Is not tat far off hei the troup group Is equipped for nn hn overnight over night stay with heavy beavy blanket rolla hatches lanterns lunter sn canvas WB wa terp nils rubber pun chos kettles kettle pots new fir estand etc etc the bankets lank ets are auld out for a better pi aking of nf the bags find cans cam of food when tile the party commences to itald up tip the nip tabers bristle all over with camp tools and equipment back to the th farm farin the veteran leteran from the crowded city tenement has found a new territory to roam and one almost unknown to ills his associates lie Is them to this ahli newly discovered I 1 land an d a and id teaching leaching them how to be I 1 independent of any transportation but their own good cond legs lees slid and of any subsistence but w hill they can carry and prepare walk and cook your own Is his motto who will say the leaven thus ter fern in the city crowds will nut not bear fruit in a keener appreciation at 0 country delights especially as these are added it to by increased aed comforts tin on the furm farm with chiq radio hitched up the bariner listens in on the best entertainment the country hns has to lo offer modern home devices wipe out many hardships formerly fori imposed 11 upon pon Isil 1 there Is in short a 1 rapid mill d t bitting titting tit ting down donn of the lie differential between f farm arm and city life in the meantime ledge must precede a true appreciation of it what the country holds nin ant this Is 1 what flat the hike supplies there Is exire appeal in one apple tree in blas hlAss aoun nin than in reams of printed mutter matter put out to induce the citizen of the city to chanze his abode to tile she country the hikers cons kute a roalna browing army equipped with bacon spuds coffee and tin cw cow for or a days outing but nevertheless seeing sights that make thein yearn to he adiong them all the time it Is nut not too much to assume that the army may one day recruit the opu open places place |