Show 1 v i I 1 PILLA alt 1 J L locala 0 C A k 6 f A L Li liprino awron wrino 0 Framp loft left for K idilio on oil day of ali week A p hdward edward yf S MU M U wre on oil business last friday mrs A relly koll arrived home frum froin Mary Ralo aaa lua t saturday mrs 11 1 poulson Poi ilson left for n en ci d n lusic list tfx A 4 it timber of our mon and loys have left for novada where they will frank is a liew wash itsuso erected on liis libre A wr of our lia gone attend tw evring confer anice in salt lake thad and Wil wilford fori of il ohlen atre visitors tors liero here last friday Frid ny t henry String liam of f provo kaaa bu bushiness visitor here tilt tile ta lutter ver vart part of lust list week will 10 kilbuck and jolin john unade it trip to lidumil ahat sunday jirim I 1 r ii visitors here on oil sunday d ll 11 W 0 rl ilas orson and ami thad 0 johnison Joh iiRon tison null lyrl poulson Poul bon day loft left for foi tile south on oil connected with his hisom of abon Vb on tuesday josf avise Oro cropper pier of deseret was awl visitor here on ill wed ircy day 1 air tr mid wife of 1 abosh were etero itero with h i friends on oil wednesday 1 Eff ivard of bur bank spent n t very ver visit w it I 1 i fm ills lier here chis week newton 1101 ride lind had misfortune to full fall and break los is arm arin lust last bu aundus jjr dr blevens set the firm the editor mid abid lim his brother lat for stilt 1 L ikc lust last on it ua bushie trip the editor returning j aig on oil tuesday I 1 V P L greenhalgh of stilt lake passed line to visit friedes in ill katrosh oil oi fri daiy diy mr ir dobson of ni formerly from oregon avas 1 doing I i business bu sineas tit lit the county sent seat lust list friday mrs fred bird ani tile the miss kissos afton seora 1 I and flora bud bird or of katrosh were visiting in ill town list hist friday iv L zi and wife ifo arrived riat d liine front from sit isalt I 1 t la luke ic e where have spent tile wini willi ter D 13 Ittis linell arrived lien here on amiday onro tite to his hollie c ill front from LOH n wllie 0 C it lid lius heeti beell littell attending eling school the past winter vin tor 1 A theatrical treat ig promised its 9 in ill tile the neier aletti future by tile alio ur troop frahn fro in laval high Sc hoi they expect to ie ho liere heie april ath with aiss miss topsy tops 11 t u excursion on I 1 rate to salt lako lake V ft city via stilt salt lake bouto botito apr aar 1 tp to oth ath illo otin ald S api 4 5 6 return lle turn it 1 nit api aar cuili extra cure cars on oil al all trains tri ins of mr air and mrs rufus hufus day while hilo play playing ilig last monday full fell all and nut it its il elioud inflicting indic ting a rush gash one inch long dr dressed tho aund wound aid thinks that no ill will re result stilt from tilt alif the mothers li ague met tit nt the home bome of mrs chloo ahloo day on 11 ll last laal a alno 1110 timo wits ld bad and till an exe client liin ulion served TI alio i e league avill ill leold ts meeting at HIP I 1 I 1 P jiame of mrs airs molly lar girling ling pr HOth the moro sti lilay school ul give tl a grand brand ball pi biilly ov 31 ig 1 1 g rind ind rt a dalice V 8 a rl 1 aty afternoon T tiit bilic js is corli cordially ally i invite i tivit a fl aiji urged to patro these parties as a the alie ille alls to to pay for wool buy toxic textbooks bonka pr echal |