Show DELTA continued front from last week mr r F D kimball a banker of salt lake city and james A melville Mol villo cain efrom fi oni salt ial lake city with tile purpose of transacting business in ill connection i with tile E ast millard irrigation project donald hogan of Abr abraham aliani shipped a carload of alfairan illy hay to bingham the fore part of the wook week among the arrivals on oil saturday were the following business nion inon front from salt lake city J J Ca cannon tinon 0 tyng W D livingston and L anderson andersen who beld a business mooting meeting at the delta hotel until very late hours sat night maine wines the son soil of a utah mali banker cattle camo down from salt lake and lias has taken charge of his fathers fat liers ranch near abraham 11 II F Ila viland of cal arrived hero here with it a carload of household effects and farm farin implement i in pie in onto und and lias hns loca located on oil a farin fann ono one mile north of delta willell lie burch purchased ased a short time thile ago a go bishop Maxil eld lias has lind had trouble with liis his vocal organs and lie ho can call only speak in ill a whisper nothing Nt thing serious hoz holover over and alid expects to be in ill a normal condition soon A hansens family in oasis are ill the inin mumps tips their 16 year old son soil is very ill dr 11 II A abbott of delta was called to attend the cose case D A bunker of salt lake and j number er of his associates associate a rench ed delta sunday for tile the purpose of developing their 1 largo arge ranch on thu the west side of tile tho river and to purchase ares aaros more land that joins their the railroad officials report that delta shipped 75 per cent orall of all allo hogs lil shipped lipped out olit of the state of utah during the year 1914 speaks good for delta olias chas itier of tile west side of delta is very busy buhy is improving i j this ground surrounding 9 the llie utah Keale Real estate and livestock Coni company pany building miss ferret ferrel mcblain McOla iii wan wag talc tak en ell suddenly ill sunday e evening and dr abbott was called sito sho is on oil the improve at tin this s writ i arfi rg D F kimball of los angeles arrived the latter part of last week to take charge of liis his ra ell on oil the north tract if you want to know how the roads are from delta to hinck hi nek ley deseret Dese iet and oasis ask B E C loopo odethe he makes the drive daily with commercial men from tile hotel this weeks newsy george A snow of stilt diko city president of the delta land and witter water oo co wan hero iero on oil company business tile the past week sir air lackyard of california is now durni ture tore store mr miller is attending to liis his farm joseph wall moved liia his family into thu the january reside residence tile A repart of the week 0 H erickson salesman for the sweet cantly aandy co and hebor heber R woolboy salesman for the shavell paterson co madu mado a business call upon the mercle ants of dolt delta a woo drow and ill the latter part of last wiek wi wj ek A N rosenbaum accompanied two land seekers to delta last week it ih understood that both parties bought and were vory very much taken up with the country shiy will look a long lone time before they over find as fine it a land lad and condition 4 as aa they will find on oil tho the delta iro ejects ains 0 11 richards ali alio lias has been ill for tile past week i is 8 now low on oil tile improve at this writing james A loft for salt lake sunday morning to spend a few days with his hia wife and fal family lily F 11 II niel of ontario canada is here for tile the purpose of attending to his farms mr niel kiel lias has some smile fill fino farms on the delta project 0 it 11 of gedding Ge idaho was va here tit alio fore part of the week buying hogs for the LOA angeles market D I 1 11 jai jaakson Jaik akson son of sati san diego california arrived the fore part of the week to spend tho the suni bull mor mer hero here mr air jackson has a fine farm on it the north tract and will attend to tile tho plit putting ting of tile r crop in shapo shape mrs JV Y T of or salt lako lake city was here the fore part of the week for tile the purpose sip of purchasing a farm and ulso also ito to look ionic ill up the hotel ss sir mr simeon walker of oak city ats it i visitor in dolta delta the foro fore part of the week loan lean Ba makenian kenian of los angeles made a step over at delta while on oil her way to salt lake tit alio fore part of file week miss mies ferrel mcblain Afe Clain who has hab hild it a bad attack of nerve troubles is on oil tile improve at this thin writing stark mark johnson johnsoni Johns and dave hunter provo were cre here on oil business the alie first of tile week |