Show NOMINATED FOR MAYOR otto tremont bannard the republican candidate for ma mayor or of new york Is probably the worst election campaigner ever nominated for that office that Is said without any reflect reflection lon whatever on mr air bannard as a man of culture and as an astute business man with a rare capacity for organization and a genius for the direction of important undertakings but he cannot make a speech his best friends frankly admit he is probably the worst speechmaker in new york so if he takes the stump as mayoralty candidates usually do and attempts to toll tell the voters from a public platform his conception of a arop properly e ay governed city his well wishers will be bc over joyed if he get into a hopeless maze of U la oratorical tangles bannard has no hallucinations about himself or anything else when he got back from europe a few weeks week ago his closest friend herbert parsons sald said to him otto I 1 think we ought to nominate you for mayor you had better let me alone herbert bannard replied 1 I am not a good candidate I 1 cant make a speech and the people dont take kindly to a trust company president anyway parsons thought there was wisdom in that and did let bannard alone for a short time the chairman of the republican county committee was so sure there would be no need to draft his friend for the mayoralty race that he put bannard on the committee rif of five to represent the republicans in all the conferences with the but in the final showdown it became necessary to drag ba bannard nard to the front and when he know knew his nomination was inevitable he fled to chicago largely to escape photographers and interviewers |