Show notice of application for conveyance in the fifth judicial district court of the state of utah in ind for I 1 ullard millard county in the matter of the applina bion of benjamin J String liam for deed of conveyance to himself notice is hereby given that benjamin J has filed in the above entitled court z i petition eniy ing ng for foi conveyance t to himself of the following described I 1 piece of land commencing at the southeast corner of the nwe of the sea of see sec 2 t 20 B s r 4 w v S L M U running thence north 80 90 rods thence westa rode thence south 80 rods thence east 8 rods to the point of beginning also lots one and two 12 1 2 in block 12 1 plat A town of holden survey in in said section 2 the petition will be heard at court room in the court house in fillmore Fill city millard county utah on the day of november 1909 at the hour of 2 p in when band and where any person may appear and show cause if any there be why said property should not 1 e conveyed to said petitioner dated this of october 1909 N A anderson clerk T 8 giles zat attorney torney for applicant date of first publication oct 16 15 date of last hist publication nov nor 12 |