Show T k L ni i L it D jo enry A fie ANDERSON S publisher t IL y fk issula kanny it I 1 rt v 4 AI 1 V N RAT HAl halry ES rf 44 fur space on application locals and all athur reading ton cents centa ier ur line for first insertion f five ave centa ter RATES copy car cash lit in advance 50 5 A 1 P copy 1 JY 6 cash in ill ad advance valice 00 90 I 1 ir F opy copy 3 months cash in adv advance aiice 50 60 fInt filtered ered at the at fill ill nor ori for through the acpal s is second class matter i ff s 0 oclther 22 1909 r FRIDAY J 13 A MY OFFICIAL ali DIR DIRECTORY L R Y vya 4 carml y ayme ay ar 5 1111 richard chard aasby heber Ilc berI J mitchell Mif chell i C U anderson M daniel melville t A F robison IZo binon t E d ward davies viea jr v Kij corder e chaa h as W ra moton v geo A bhail bail marshal charles charlea laver J justice of f the ilea peace ce john misson mis hibou son BOH iva street supervisor charles raver per edvard trimble sexton john davies COUNTY IS itil s tn in t aloner loiters hyi ely ruin uin S caboon 1 I 3 1 1 chas W hopkins Hup kins A aeo W nixon i lark nhia anderaon M recorder cOrder Ke jon anie nie ashby john copper cooper y arisson Aris sor f J josph jos ph it L ot t lure urfe for r T tp C ak attorney B R W icing ding 11 stir i e r I 1 tl 0 orga ati altey lt ey i 4 ij a ip jos I 1 lit j tl y i iia i ia 1 iilo 1 hidei ifan judicial D t Jis zislua lua a green woo 1 3 A attorney I 1 EJI 11 xa qa 1 1 talo t a t 0 senator S e n a t 0 r kirth E 1 t 4 h t h sep a t S rial orial dat JA arbu ate ite l orvil or v 11 1 L thompson hesss ra leigg heaard air ayers hair vigor promptly prompts y destroys we the earms ayers hair vigor just as destroys the that hat cause falling failing hair it the har hair genns that cause dandruff It t removes every bulbs restores thern them to health tine the hair stops steps trace of dandruff itself and h keeps ceas the scalp fallini failing out grows more inbae rapidly clean and in a lic healthy althy condition ZB h n I 1 0 0 r we wish you to positively and distinctly understand that ayers hair vigor does not affect the color of alic hair flair even to td the slightest degree Pc jons with the whitest or the lightest tind and most delicate b lond blond leair allay use it freely without vIt hout having 1 tile the hair made a shade darker ingredients Sil wilhur hur glycerin alquintin Quinin sodium chloria Ch lorid cups capsicum icum sage Al alcohol cociol water perfume j show this formula to yn your tir doctor ask him what lie he thinks of it J V A aarn vrn cn ipa MY lowell maw women as well as arion are blado Biss raila by kidney and BUM trouble kidney trouble preys upon the mind diacou discourages and lessens ambition beauty i vigor and cheerfulness ul soon digap disappear pe ar when the kidneys kidney s are out of order or diseased kidney trouble lias has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to lie be born afflicted with weak eak bidne kidneys y s if the child urinates too often if the urine scalds the flesh or if when the child reaches an all age when it should be able to control the ibe p passage 1 S S 11 gel it is yet afflict afflicted cd with bed wet tt ting 1 1 Z depend upon it the cause of the difficulty is is kidney trouble and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important ant organs this unpleasant trouble is is due to a diseased lis eased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most niest peo people p le suppose women as well as nien men are made 1111 ser able with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same great ren remedy iedy the mild and the ini immediate mediate effect of swamp root bissoon is soon realized it is sold by druggists in fifty cent and one dollar size bottles you may have a sample bottle j by mail clail free also a pamphlet telling a all 11 about swamp root of arop noot itic including luding many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from froin sufferers who found swamp root to io be just the remedy reined needed in writing vi biting dr kilmer co binghamton N Y be sure and mention this paper dont make any nl mistake histake but remember the name dr dilmers Kil Ki liners mers swamp root and the address binghamton N Y ou on every bottle |