Show progress S s review Oh christian ristian anderson andersan publisher 1 b FRIDAY MARCH 12 1909 do you feel this thi S way V U 1 M do you feel all tired out do you sometimes 1 ni think you just cant work away at your profession s or trade uny any longer do you have a poor Q ape pe tite and lay awake at nights unable to steep sleep are your nerves all gone and your stomach too has ambition to forge ahead in the world left you P if so you might as well put a stop to your misery you can do it if you will dr pierces golden medical discovery will make you a different individual it t will set your lazy liver to work it will set things right in your stomach and ii I 1 your appetite will come back it will purify your blood I 1 if there is any tendency in your family toward consumption it will keep that dread destroyer away even after consumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a lingering cough bronchitis or bleeding at the lungs it will bring about a cure in 98 per cent of all cases it is a remedy prepared by dr R V pierce of buffalo N Y whose advice is given free to all vho aho wish to write him bim his great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice dont be wheedled by a penny grabbing dealer into taking inferior substitutes for dr pierces medicines recommended to be just as good dr pierces Pierc cs medicines are OP OF KNOWN composition their every ingredient printed on their wrappers made from roots without alcohol alco liol contain no habit forming drugs worlds dispensary medical association buffalo N Y U ma E OASIS UTAH wholesale retail all kinds of building material stock first class fair treatment guaran guaranteed teedy eve every ry thing at bedrock prices A J JHENRY HENRY 9 Aa lesman manager KELLYS MEAT MARKET markett 4 t JAS A KELLY FELLY dealers in beef mutton pork 4 sausage and pure kettle ren 4 4 dared lard wholesale and retail f FILLMORE CITY UTAH 4 J L SMITH PIANO ORGAN TUNING AN AND D REPAIRING G 2 satisfaction guaranteed husic and entertainment furnished for dances and private parties yoa s phinio 40 L gmax clow 02 ibi ib i ecsi lixi see feie xe nae lagarit b oi S Se saly DENTI din artst T 1 dr r W S mur blurry ry lately of i portland cind ore is located pe permanently 11 manent ly in fillmore and b by y 11 p 00 d work and ia fair i r trea hopes to gain tile the confidence of the people 1 I liiri years experience counts a L great reat deal and the dr is prepared tip t do all kinds of dental work fillings Z inlays crown a and rid brid bridge bride n e work and extraction extrac extracting tin 9 by the latest painless methods con sulta sul tation tiou is free 1 ree loftice opposite court boure at the holbrook Holb residence I 1 are you yon interested in ill california arizona and old mexico if so so it would be wise to write for full information about the shortest shor teso line and tile best service from froin your point to those sections via ali the e SALT LAKE RO ROUTE U TE uta I 1 I 1 I 1 S most popular road |