Show NOTICE united states land ofhie salt lake city utah february 1909 to notice glyen that tho state daum 1 fice ligia lists of lands selected by the said state under section 6 of the act of congress approved july uly 1894 as indemnity school I lands ands viz SJ 84 SEI sec 25 T 19 8 R 4 NV social serial copies of said lists so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions have been conspicuously posted in this of flee fice for inspection by any person interested and by the public gen brally during the period of publican icat ion of this notice or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification under departmental regulations of ap ril nl 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the state to any of the tracts orsue divisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the same is mor for mineral than for ag agricultural D ri culau purposes r poses will oe received and noted for report to the general land office at wash ington D 0 failure so to protest or contest within the time specified 1 i will be considered consid pred sufficient evidence of the n nona lyd min biral character of the tracts and the selections eions thereof being otherwise V awis p free from objection will be approved a to the state i B E D 1 R tho thompson ampson Re register giter date bate of first publication mar 12 pate of last lasic publication april 9 p notice J laud land office adli lake city utah f feb 4 1909 to whom it may concern N dreby oreby geo atvea state of 1 hufh filed in i ficen a lit serial no 1577 0 of f lands selected ted by tho said state stat under amder section 6 act of con t gross gress I 1 approved july 16 1894 as indemnity school lands as lot fol lows viz swi i sec sc 24 N nei ec 23 J see sec 13 sei sec 14 T 15 S R 4 W h P J SWI see 35 T M S R 4 W WS S L M A copy of said list so far as it relates to said tracts bYde by desoria deso scrip rip dive subdivisions has been conspicuously s posted in this office for inspection by any person in te terestea rested aud and by the public gener ally this notice will be published for five successive weeks and during this period P under departmental instructions of april 25 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the state tp any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground arotine that the same is more valti valuable able for mineral than for i purposes will be receil ed and noted for report to the general land lana odde om ce at washing f ton D 0 O C failure so protest ta to r or r i contest within fhe time specified will be considered sufficient evid once of tho tha non mi mineral chirak chirac ter odthe tracts tract s i and the select ions therb thereof bf being otherwise f free ree from objection will vill be r r e ec c om mended commended for approval 1 KD ED R thompson register date of fl first publication feb 19 date of laft publication mar 19 |