Show notice of sheriffs S sale a I 1 e in the alie fifth judicial district court of the state of utah milla millard lard cd county D F white plaintiff VS as eliza elixa aldrich charles W rich olear luke lake land fe irrigation oo co a corporation timothy jl J l B sweet sweety george A lowe and X mablo A robison bohi son the executrix of flie dillof will of elmi eliza aldrich deceased eek sod defendants to be sold at sheriffs Sherif Ps sale on oil the day of 21 march areli 1009 at ali alie e east front door of the tho county court house in fillmore city millard county utah the south half of the northeast north ea east st quarter of section thirty two in township Nine nineteen tec n south of range eight west of salt lake meridian 80 acres together the water right appurtenant thereto including four tenths water right froni from the olear clear lake land irrigation co and one fourth of the water deeded to john bourne by the clear lake land irrig it tion co on the day of august 1895 GEORGE ROWLEY sheriff |