Show te will AFREE OFF tf h I 1 to toccata sag tick lick bramon modwell mou well and aad 1 want to send od you your daughter yaw taxi slater ter your mother hor or any allina arlana friend atall a all ahtty cent box of lubia ot of vis fa 91 it bno 00 cutely all free frea it is demtd that cures cur comans womans mana allmetta all menta and I 1 want to tell Y yoa 11 II 11 about ut how to auw yourself right at t harn hamff without the all aid of a doctor and Bod the belt bof ot it ii hat it will not in the least latr fera with jour ark or ocea occupation balm ot of Is I 1 jut juit the tb remedy nick lick women woma n well wall and weak woman and I 1 ean can prove peoro it let fat ulf m prove prova it to houi you 1 I will gladly do it for foe I 1 have anes heard baud of anything that do a to 0 o quickly and braly surely cure comans womans no in tordal doliar it Is local I 1 roat ant et at it has bf to its lt credit some fo of tho the most extraordinary enrol on record noord I 1 want to placa ce it in tho the hands handi ot of every woman suffering efferine erine wu with teu dl any form 0 ot ou orr painful periods Por loil ulceration inflammation lace mentor falling allin of f the womb varian or vic uterine in tumors or or any ot of the so 10 coincon to women this S I 1 aty y cent nt box bos of abald of fis figs IL W will not cost yo one cent I 1 will it land end it to yon TOH a bs A f free roe to arora prora to you its i splendid tie and then it if you w with ish to continos con tinus in farther it will cost you only a tow few 6 cant a wook I 1 do no cot t ba believe eye there Is ii an another other remedy equal to balm m of f figs FIES and I 1 am to pro prove we my faith by bonding out traio 0 fifty bant boxa free S so my reader irrespective ot of Y your 0 va 2 past 1 fience write to m me at t one once e today and I 1 will ond 4 yoa tha treatment entirely free fr by I 1 rotam mail andia and it you so 0 o L degere undoubtedly I 1 can refer you to some one near you who can personally ily testify to the great and lasting cures resulted from the buxo of balm im of figs fl but after all the th very best bait test teat ot Is personal conj it tri trial at of it siad and I 1 know a fifty cent 1 boz box ot beira in of alfs will I 1 COI convince elvince you of if it merit aoth ican i go convincing inc I 1 as aplha the act actual SI the art icle itself will you give elto balm of fie this test T walta to ma today and remember I 1 will soud you a fifty cent cant box of balm of flits for the askier addrece MRS HAP HARRIET MIST M RICHARDS boa ad ioel jollit is ghinoi noI aa 4 77 arm GIRL MONEY MONEY t A JUST MUM IT UP 0 z you can earn 4 aris or 5 or 3 a day no trouble leto to ako big alg money during your spare spara time it la is you you will isyou try trl we will tel lyou you how hoit we we will start you you can earn jalvo hundred declara or armore more day by just jast showing y apar P ut friends the finest no the easa ease with which the dollars roll into your pocket will sur surprise you think of arnIn e g 8 ady youcan you ann cnn 10 lo do it ft everybody every body buys eye asan to m orb you cia sell flail to the same people ve rand over again abata money cornea comes so BO easy send us two twos 2 cent stamps binl n we me will niall you a sample sam ale the day we get ybur latter later start to maka 8 a day Youw you want aut it You Youie need ed iti it NI na sample unless you a send and twos two cent stamps writs write A secretary west ad street diw hin 1 51 IVIN WAY J KW uta tera it per or sell onaria package chag I 1 III colored highly tic and von port do at 10 cenac a am age go 10 2 assorted arted pos postcards tards to a package barted oar y cards raa are the ibn mon aon subject oa CEO the teat Every bot win will hoy buy them war oar lille for far boag boa are mad raade 0 moul roa lie bral at belgian toner coney cut in aha latest sty etyle le 36 ng 6 nobby and nd vented dor dair malat our extra ara premi premium umi wre wat 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