Show ur 7 ors nole bic our 0 readers rs tire are invited to contribute to this section of the paper we lve cannot I 1 antee the safe cretu return rn hf f aw an M unless accompanied by post ao a e for that purpose contris contrib clors will confer a favor fan W getlin j tiar M their letters in not later than noon any anything thin in tile tho humorous line will ivi 11 ll be acceptable original or otherwise all letters jn must ut be accompanied by the ful barrie i me and address of the sender INVIn which cli will be withheld upon request 4 THE EDI 1011 1 mr 31 murpha U I 1 PI ly S phy hyl th e elec lech huns utis is over a and nd th tb county n ty id a re av fanst a n s t ili more 0 re thanks hanks I 1 be there was wad a time I 1 was aftab afraid d we ve kv ea all going jt g to tb dogs but noo york tork wint for knew kiev th i ws was over till nil 1 ut the llo chun litin of ali acho bets and th bi bior red headlines so some Ort ortmas efthim mat th ai lost is busy bu sy tia i suring tiring out ou liow w it happened nd its me ine private that c was extended extin ded it 0 o noo york I 1 wa was tol king to ti hii kearne Z the other othell day dav and gathe gathered re from li his j s ren remarks jarks thatis that if church inno olice once li nt 1 been P L I 1 extended extin ded Amery th party parly would have carried i very I 1 lung in sight r till an beon been lookin ih bed fer th overs wan thin thing that looks look had bad fe fer IZ ili beginning begin begir nin n of th f for ar years av prosperity is th atlin cuttin d wn av he mrs gonad lecuse lier husband wont collia th ough wid a decent cecen t alini alimony ony th poor woman has be been en compelled compell ed to deprive hersile td bu bin I 1 th ali merest necessities av loit e an liow iov th coort where she can live 1 on I th way s she he litas has it fiL figured iVea i out S she li e knows where where silo she w un n 9 get et a cheap flat for it a in 0 11 tb th an silo she agres agre s to spind anly 50 a month for an Sh Lockins th poor thing will only ally have it a month for or lin iiii gree ace cliot is an if th guests brake up more than art av furni chure when silo she do bt av thim shell bein ltv in a hole because all chy s allowed hersile fer ni makin ii a av prepares pares ru re howard gould ought t he be a av himself fer fel t trulin atit i ii th I 1 1 bor woman so luane alle XI I 1 W cac ria r IA tf t f fe 4 V Q ducote her to just a tow fow nv th ill necessaries 1 av I 1 life i re aist taft raft is getting ready tt to open alli coffel coelers S aith nay shuns wealth so KO I 1 ivar vor wal wan c ann cnn all havo everything ivery thing lie want th I 1 ii wit ninen ought to boycott howard ard till lie comes through wid a decent alini alimony ony I 1 see be tho pap papers rs that th frinch fionch is goin to stil sh it a hoi fer thim silves and learn to to make ulian in an all il hot ot eakes cakes an their bills in fure languages r b this will help gome collie an sam newhouse till an tile me an th rist av th suit stilt nike lake four red will ivill have a beather in ill trance france year ali than ail we ve iver had beaure thim last muli galls we got in purree barree was s gumption fierce an all 0 we o tand thim urinch frinch ridout an now ivery landlord I 1 lias has got to larn to box play baseball nn an walz in Engli english sll av A co course urse charge extry 1 fici 11 it an ive a 1 I private that the rayson thero boin doin of it is so its as to be able to make the bills bigger ridout having to employ Ani riken divo orce lawyers to show thild th way I 1 come near bein run ron over be wan evan uv thim troll oly cars in salt faau th other ot ai er A day ay but oi happened to just is ti time ine that theres tio no emergency anier gency hospital there an all duclion out av th way it ud be an awful tiling thing to g gel t a leg be th wheels av wan wall av I 1 thim hi in cars till an thin have live I 1 no place ace to go to let tle the docal aers do th rist till an just die ridout surgical 11 me ale blood runs cold oi think av th ill number av who must have doid peacefully defoore th tb doe loe thors could get at thim in a proper eine emergency rency t hospital just think what it is to lie die ridout a 41 doether duc ther who cap make out a proper death av boorse if it a mon men dies from be in ill ruti run over be a tro troll loly oly car lh ili doc c in make illa ke out a 11 berti cayto fi but its otila gr he certain what hat kilt anni lilo like lie he would be if lied hed had you on oil th ratin table in ill ill an emer gency hospital I 1 think more people would get kilt this if they could be of th ILS ICS a i good eting for utah that provident Pro ident never hero here to do hi huntin mceane e all alli vacant vac atit ground in i n colorado eliare lie give his j ab s goin to be b e houglin oil it up tit be som za sw f j A wi 41 T 2 t 1111 english glish poors peers to do their Qi I 1 on oil goin doin to spind till nil ill money ey they hey can call write home hoine fo for r 1 budin that ground hlll because mr clr lift some kittey ciote j alive 11 it taft an 1 hii hi i i i 1 I a gone to ali ho t springs s iii in vir r ginia to take a with bath an all g get rot cleaned up an riste rioted 1 1 defoore befog re they move to 01 white house an al I 1 C coir 0 IY indence house kapin th dy despal spill f clies ches aliat jials hes jein flooded wid vid telegrams tely grams is an 8 con autula utula i till him biln so he aist wi well veli take a bath all over an have done wi wid d it ib gov governor 1 1 1 anor spi spry y lias announced c e d his lies hes Z goin roin to hy by it a chist of tools till an build a new capitol th numbers of ill the land boord tilo toight ight as well get ripy ridy fer trub ble because mr r spry says lie ho is goin if to develop th in arid lands of th through their systems tims this may bo it a little Y bycul A L tvr tt i lit ill fimbers mim bers but its for th good av th ali slit ehtle itte ati an clial there there fer th high is goin to be extended extin ded to th outside e coulam counties 08 so till all th byes an garruls 0 can g get to make nion monkeys keys av thilD sOlves at th he be galtin ill ih highler this comes co high highler Y er av boorse but bul theres lots of mm in utah not be broke un ull ather ill fc of edy bustil 41 bill says tilso albo that lies hes goin to have hae th ih revenues of ill ot attended tu to be it a an all them hi guys is goin to be rotin rounded ded up tip and told thi things digs th last av bils bills 1 that hat lies hes told th lapors about is for fer th of boyhood through ali the of a juven juvenile ile coort oi was a boy these things was done be th uld old man in ia ai the e woodshed wid it a bit av a litick tf maybe or th ill ells slipper but the tonnes d do 0 change chaire tind and av conroe boyhood litts has got ot to bu be buth betl ered hered be th 0 coort cooil th ili saine bame its ay bd ad bill an d I 1 v oo doces Ces Tr trusting that you will hear frum me hixt n axt wj wake ike you will have ray covered frum fruin this ali is I yours I 1 tini tim murphy t 1 f t i T t f flow how 0 1 o fi treat eat a saya sprain tat 14 y 4 uro am promptly relieved by cham hor lains ent this A liniment rd ducs and allot SO that it sprain may inay bo be cm cured ed inH bout one third d the timo required by the usual trea till I 1 I 1 t 25 a und no 50 cent s sizes ws for stile salo hw C V 1 I 1 FEASE TUNI A newspaper man inan wh who 0 r becente re C ga cente D ly returned from eft a southern taip tells this story 1 I happened to spend a d sun I 1 day in a little town town down and in the morning 0 went to a col ored church to listen t to 0 the ser mon men of a colored preacher who was a character in the community binin u ii he had fur ili hio text the escape of the israelites f from conj egy egypto egypti and add when I 1 canie came in he spoke something like this and the lord froze the red sea into a solid cake of ice and de israelites r bossed safely ver over to de udder side den do de Gyp shuns tolle redi dem ober de icib ice but bub when dey got ot ter de middle do lord song senu down er heavy thaw melted doice deice doc dec and fated do de G C into fredde de wavIa and dob deh we re all drowned tile the congre congregation gatio n was still for about two min minutes uLes then a tall thin colored man arose and sa said id mr air preacher all ah begs tet te disagree with de las state ment ob yours according terz terr de red seats inde in def crop trop ics acs close to do quator an dei de atell watell w dere nevah freezes the minister listened attentively atten ely then in a loud anar angry ay iy voice replied 1 I thought der would ber be orle one ob dem smart tie negroes groes M in do dl congregation 0 ter me but lie he is not so smart as he thinks lie he is in ili do days when do de israelites run away turn fum egypt long long ergo M der was no such thing g as jn jo graphy nor ner aunte qun irl eder A STI F F S RP john obrien of sedalia was engaged in unloading a car oc 1 cement his sh rt wilted and likewise was covered with cona cement ent the cement set until it was as hard as a rock when john jo hn went home lie he attempted to the shirt but he was not able tado so until mrs obrien ho had pounded the tn garment with it a hammer for foi fully thirty m minutes the shirt into pieces |