Show 7 e C WALKED t E 0 ALL ALIL afa DAY Y tea i how j a dea Cf Earned efty beatt 1 I 1 A as 1 ted in ia tha iiii yar jard a of the tha county jail lately edys the atlanta JoB nial u V if any anyone ons had hod I 1 looked looted I 1 behind the till tall baart tones among tho the moon shiners about 6 delock the tha other morning ping they would have eien from the of themen an and d gestures that some sofas in ina q nu mal vaa as about ta happen and arthey lial pee behind the fedea benei it a 6 30 they would ha have ve seen 3 long aalf fellow walking bade baclic and forto along the tha narrow yards looking neither to the right nor left lefi bat keeping up the abe steady lick lie he bad struck unmindful of the re mar marky ks made nada by ll 11 his is jt it ni was as a icing wh walk lk for it bakan bekan at 6 esq 30 in the tha morning and beaded at 7 in the even evenings ingi libit b the meat remarkable part a baut it was that the thejuan mana walk walked e I 1 the day cay away for the tha i small mall sam u in ol 01 fifty cents 1 the young youn g M man an who did lle walk ing in is david IL payne of union I 1 county who is ia serving serrin a thirty aay seite sentence bcd la in jailor illicit distilli nir hij home is on i cin cans creek and be hes isas Is as wild ara and untutored as a mountain oyer ever gets go ta to be one ona mornin morning rhen i breakfast ore alfast was being bein served turnkey pat loush in a joking way said to pa payne yate who kho had been bragging about the s lia had taken rilet 1 you airty centi centa you TOU cant wall valk all liay dayt 6 A whole fifty cents he ox exclaimed ci with a of ast on abbl ment anent yes efty cents 11 louah ron Y on ue anit aj it PI pardner ld ner you ainger joking pi not N a bit of it 1 I tits a if go 0 pird pardner 11 erl 0 au take 0 tal tie bet ef any er you fellers will cover the fifty cents n the money was covered and at bayna began his walk striking into a long along swinging stride which he ki ep up all day long che he walked from one side of them yara to the oth other 64 a distance of 15 T yards for the round trip making it every two in minutes I 21 1 when dinner t time me C came ame he did not stop to eat but took ook his plats of victuals si E his hand eating as he walked xe SQ was given water many ti am 23 during the day but nover never stopped ta to frink drink it he swallowed add it on the birve move iud ant ones once lost the long swin swinging zin g stride dehe he started in within the morning i he k kept ept up his walk until 7 that night trover stopping 9 for a i m minute in gifter after ho he started tp C by bk snaking tha calculation it will I 1 ba seen A that hat 1 it if 1 he walked yards in aab tes ho he walked fro from u di to 7 rial 12 hours a distance of amies and a fratt fraction loii c helas ha was given tle le L e fifty cents whon when ats w alk titi an deemed ge e M 8 d aery I 1 proud of it ai ho laid it away in hi ot with ahe deemark he emark a id pile er money buey IverC i v J did ies sea as much as 15 5 at orb V time a dizon darlng I 1 all my y life 17 SI sas I 1 0 1 |