Show akiam r 1 1 1 ti Q im il alth ATY xai 1 tH Z fl s 1 et c 0 1 I 1 4 s Z a a ce I 1 14 the best bes things 11 hm gs A i I 1 il 1 1 z t W 2 a ca t a cp 1 v 13 51 t 0 Q V Z 01 i are made e 1 th ROYAL I 1 BAKING 1 bread thread 14 bi cake rolls M muffins cru crusts ats and the va N i a u is y arious requiring a leavening or 0 raising agent 5 RIL risen em with ROYAL BAKING P R ill au anese c 9 thin things gsa are re superlatively light sweet 3 r delicious ai us and band wholesome 3 wholesome I 1 V c ROYAL BAKING R is the creates t of I 1 A 11 I 1 t time and labor savers to the th e s pa pastry cook it economic econom economizes iz es hour but butter ter anif ani eggs and bast st of all makes F Z thi the food 0 more digestible and healthful c A e t 17 Z w 11 0 q I 1 I 1 i 1 ft 3 5 ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO arf NEW agg WV p or caper telegraph Tele grapa poles pole ont af the tha latest Ss to which paper his has been turned is the ini king ln of telegraph poles the paper pa r er pulp emp employed foyed Is saturated with a mixture Ix tine of bo boragi tallow abid other substances the cast in a mold with a core in the center bamias lamias I 1 a hollow hollowood rod of any desired length the cross es being held by w wooden toys keys driven ln in on elabe either side aide of the pole the paper poles tie lre 8 said alluto to be lighter r than those of wood bud and to be by the which shorten the life of a wooden pole it ja ia doubt doubtful lul bolever to bo weTer wever whether the ih paper po pole levIll cometo come u be ba anything liki like a biral to tha iron pole which Is now high in bayor acs ics the car carryl nr of all kinds ol of wire lines the value of iron telegraph poles las has been beba well tested under the moat trying conditions on the dae bet between em europe and india a and again ain ser across on arid stretches of country in australia U that thac eat out the core of ever evert everything T thing in the shape of wood leaving the shell only arid b bird ird borers that drill holes in ia tig toughest of of trees let the iron pole pi pa and evea wander ine tribes buot chop imp laup for fire firewood woo although down in australia they have not yet yel got over trick ot of mating making arrow arbow heads ot or the insulators carries asars I 1 the best ships 0 the cruiser minneapolis which e h beat all speed records of her ber class clas Is compared with foreign ships to their disadvantage cramps crampe superintendent says say there thera are noi no ore I 1 gm ships of her size and pattern patter ir the nearest in the navy are the blake and the bler biec helm the eriks cracks ot of the queen s ireat creat fleets fleet but tho colombia or minneapolis could run ran around either of them easily and the new york could whip whiR them in an hour shenew tte sew york has more a rr armar more guns uns and more mor e speed althou although h the englishmen have bate more tonnage to anage ge they lier were bul bust it for twenty two knote but anve never made madec more than teen the Kaser Kafe erin ln i s the best ship cl cf the gernian german navy bris rias aas shown a better g galt gait alt than the blake the italians have a small gunboat a 2000 tons tens that has developed d elv a 7 remark remarkable bl e speed but bat shelb she U oal y one fourth the tha ste ol oi the and at least two knots an jimr h oar 1 0 Is tha brath I 1 and lt wan A against alon aad I imitation Imi the genalee efficacy of ortheR the great niti orAl tonic stomach bitters hu and always wm will T tte tie te pu public blie recognize ft fi everow everywhere ber e as the chief pr pre Tent aUve ot of malaria and a reliable specific for ilac constipation pation merrow L udney kidney tr trousie b bS finsness asness and sa loss ion af pf of appetite tit efforts nide made by irresponsible dealers to compete i ete with it 1 by indirect ina cl means have and will continue to fall ripon the heads beads and it ft may be addel the pockets pickets of ct those maung them through throng gh use tte length id and breadth of the am american eilean cont laem tat le the oie acknowledged 1 hou household sebold remedy rel lible aud pro li relies upon fact dupen upen abac experience peri ence nd d upon the tae emphatic comm rf of the d izal lu only on y stupid people complain compla ln of bard wok JL people IL the gold minerals the amo ofa jofs abw monthly piper papera re recently centy started inden in den ter it if alms to gira a of all air the principal mining berents of abe month ds especial attention to gold the price Is bui so 50 ceu cents ti a year sampie copy copy barsis famished h ad for vrr in stamps address gold alner 31 deiva 0 13 0 0 r some peopled aro are forever keegl keekne ing down others A asian manvitz with aster asie ought to absee s a have a fair z a M L send two 2 cent stamps to the roydra denver deaver colo and jet eel a sample copy odthe ot the roba one of their gr aten C I 1 sh octopus gnipa free I 1 I 1 can el lec trifan why a decoded an almi V I 1 1 I ot I 1 who rh 0 visit the invade sros 5 N how hotel and et auf talo falc N X T Y are arc waua who are sella aw ture to ere aly 07 thoo who have alre iby froam flota pe e experience kerned of the cocat t tir in conse conservative r dative surgery m achieved ach by the S 9 of f that famed tu aution tion little huor W MIs rad neWS necessary for taace I 1 TUMORS 0 iii ard d mw others rc oved by RL and oth othar nuana and I 1 ake cutting c boldes To ldeS i a fr 0 I 1 pia lio wever 1 lage la ge ia sinla n of the lover lawer are curea without r resol I 1 to 9 kritze krit fe ill T WA R 1 or cared itcan mahout mernia the Is t pain aca bo al I 1 5 STONE tho the bladdy Blad dT r to asoy 1 acm F it P vir id out and sarel catti cg ff ue urinary P are al ST OT U R J to re ved i hadd reds oi of cases jo 0 fra va an aad d ril ill fead us cess ta essays to 2912 04 cpr I 1 7 MB K C V L Q z p 11 I 1 d Z it is 13 not that very few met men kno knox x themselves themi elTsa intimately mot most people like to get rid of vh n traveil Travo IZ whether on pleasure ben or tate take od on every frfd a bottle of syrup ot of alfs F digs is as it 11 acts acta most plea saOr ami effectually anth oa the kidneys bIdne jB liver and bowels bowel preventing febers lica headaches daches and other forms of sl cl men discs yr for we sale la soc mc and aad 1 bottler bott leby all leading drog diug ruts dby by the california rig syrup co only the in man an who klc kicks ks his daughters daughter er down dowa abrea slights 0 ot f stain tair sends lends her to bed a in I 1 aud then turns turn oa theirs the pa ifould be sent to prison for of charf bourk 41 dibran N DEST BEST lait SOAP Uric ened la in quality ABE UTI V UL PICA TURE tree free upon receipt ol of 25 wrapped wr appere 5 bitsi ien TM abong just now the favorite far orits a ciolla there wo niana nai anre prompt them to enjoy ta many pings P to ones onea baw H I 1 Is catarrh cure cur Is a awe abrl csc ri N din eliter hadaa had a good financial head when she eho sa bated ved mosa from the on oa the b anka anks Wan sous magio mag io to cure cere OT or anar ael ask ak icer dice alft elft tor it trice IS catts A I 1 dw y toes alfr f asleep ll 11 sol bor then aten the they asre are it ose 11 1 l ll if cai see ee the point vell well pata pat a period to this tf lt i D 0 I 1 kaia tm tea the e zt cl carn earu rn to t the e cob and cure ac when lovers are they lise ase the tha mail kiaus aben they are arc together they empron their affections bare directly ady to each other COOKBOOK afre qs oF F F RE F I 1 eb I 1 onest the larges t r ind bud best I 1 B hea mua la ggs for 20 urge ufa lion kids eat fix m ilon I lon coffou r anil and a zet 2 stamp ll 11 4 tor for wf tet at af out other mer anze proe ed ili ISO istir h evvi asio denver IMre etor 7 3 s E E E MES U ASSAY OFFICE ICE and laboratory art r assi 1 1 jeweler and anaf eeli tend edw P 11 ans 11 emte te containing gold and nd tilter for 1 treatment prompt and hig hest casti cash pr arte abe jad 1 T n gold ond nd anver lullion bullion address addre I 1 1735 and 1 ir w st denver colora OXFORD rn NOTEL HOTEL rites kates rom suara a day nal an tiro ire 1 I roomi booma block babai of denam dau union depot nage iise vered fras r in tee vrest mcatur as ill east 2 la in i AIN 0 hlaves FAIRBANKS r md ind steel Wm dills end 4 towers irad pipa pia and aad euln vl plies send tor for ascribing tole weded A CO ivarie Sir birts ts colorado Coi Goi orado il ladies 1 nali oci Su Cering from ALE LuUl 91 f ary ar y form fona should investigate w VIAVI UK i 13 1101 tation free laj iedy r leofrice leof air lice bletl im 1631 arapage treet benter coo colix i r than wholesale felle arces V HA nAlin R N ES COO S V doable t bf us forfia catalona Cata Cau loaa logas tree irce fittell ettel Fitt lL jrp TT un III I 1 canmer SL EL Dearer Denver obtained fo for beok ra 1 tk 10 free fee A J ap 0 erdes T U S and fortig aYa tents lawre lawrence nce deu deatcy E Z WOOD assayer ni 1741 arapahoe st H 1 deaver beaver price sir for gold assay IM W IF from their attorneys attorney CA d HEAR i u orthe comm woner mh ATHAN JV CK t 14 r st yashin asti clon 33 I 1 c lh fea a CREAM BALM cures 1 i DRUGGISTS ALL W L A ra I 1 a Is esthe rh r esst I 1 ja VC E 0 5 CORDOVAN Z si 4 tle 3 w v I 1 ALs 1 B I 1 1 L T U 14 C I 1 I 1 14 fa I 1 5 la an ga 4 sero SEND roa FOR CATALOGUE W L 10 BROCKTON yb kau wn enn give ave acae by wai acir ao 0 WL W I 1 do donelan a shoe ap Q Becaas ei w ars 8 via largest maruf t ot f this grade ot in the world s sad d guarantee eua rantee i value liy by the ue d oa oia I 1 bottom which protect you rou against agh arico d the mimie maws c bronts oar oboes equal custom cusio wk la in atyia easy flatung ard na wearier q ut sold at pil leaff or the alae gl n th ansty other maae 1 all tuta tute it acar dealer le cau t U FM F M 1 datis viter national S epa I 1 MW every firmer fanner that has haas COW COTS 3 11 should have ve one it saves half the tabor laboi I 1 ma ke ices one e third in more b bat t ury separator t or butter batter brings one third more fo for r circular circa lars i DAVIS 5 co waz TED chicago ill alo 1 DE A 41 I 1 I 1 af pf bar I 1 iron I 1 I 1 AK F BASKET a u Is JL Eta letTon ca amr horse with wilb coss corti colars iha tha azy jacj auw vt fat i in anni r u FREEL C 6 Bup cavarno a perta a AV 11 CE 71 at d ettli OU C 1 b t 4 a y F r 16 Z d ito ArAi tAU tuy ye ittia if UI tui t rubw OF I 1 rate sa 6 rom a X JI frK rl W 4 wl abc A kC sn bcd 3 A 1 4 r tk pl A w I 1 14 tt city i I 1 4 C ALL EM iara BV samiu T law Goodr se sol latt a I 1 r W ri 1 I fv kenw ik iki i A ff lao 30 chai to M pin yaa 1 1 S ts I 1 t b c Q s L ss 04 fe 41 cz 00 n e 1 7 7 s J B GILES 31 LES dc I 1 STA c c r 0 a 8 Z ts I 1 fr prepays Pre e pays abstractor Abstract sr of tl HIL and ana raws according lo iq the alis lanest laws office at it aart court Hc husep H sep UTAH I 1 u THOMAS C Q 1 not notary ary publia ind and if avey ancar G oulu VI X 7 I 1 TORN JOHN 31 clr I anso e i Z a attora ke Y et la 0 i an preastly A attended tended to 11 borr az V hutaff taff z 0 C CO az 7 0 i 0 YS AT a W I 1 I 1 c is careful attention given to all 1 f collections attended to I 1 11 I 1 1 u t 0 THE FILC pla P LANI N gi ah i I 1 1 L I 1 JJ il I 1 11 WUI famish m 0 rustic sidings casings ba sings M Moul 0 u I 1 d dings i n gs 0 ra r 3 1 and 1 all kin binda ds of in material a t arial B allting pi lokets and lath always on oil hani hand a 41 lowest kloweit prices arices brices I 1 reasonable U hans hanson A a r ra taBs son 15 wad it i when you yon want a coffin any size siz e or I 1 0 quality 1 0 1 r tee pies c ar Q can furnish apu what you wanton the I 1 shortest notice and add at prices 20 per 1 cent lower lawer than thac salt lal lakers as roll full stock 6 eshand dS a Hand address jy U HOLDEN HOLDE MILLARD co UTAH Z FOR cw bioc A I 1 I 1 e adiv I 1 0 I 1 SlIP 06 a L AND t a C 1 l N on hans erson f leond north bet main and ana first wei tta k I 1 berf t a 0 UTAH I 1 DO YOU yon VANT TO BORROW marjey 14 c rl e y it if so io you slie fild at once call upon G i H W HAWLEY 6 OASIS oasis UTAH lz u chave 1 have money madey to loar loan on improTe i 1 farming land in sums from upwards to snit the n long ti time me 1 loans anns a at t ial LOW L EST 7 lk I 1 0 1 CZ H W HAWLEY I 1 U Q IJ OAS UTAH 0 I 1 mm 11 vy I 1 A M I 1 9 STOTT STOR i a utah 0 1 I 1 I 1 0 C co I 1 1 Z t I 1 u L I 1 j cu G I 1 1 DENTIST C S rt il a Z g 11 I 1 oz 0 teeth scientifically filled or extracted a nane but mt the raed I 1 17 in ia making teeth ALL WORK 0 WARRANTED u r c and promptly ratten attended ded to wiil vis it iny any tow juin the county upon C raqul request eat of those desir no 30 log ing my services services I 1 I 1 co 0 0 ati r solicited and promptly answered az VA u ri 1 0 G C 4 0 0 joei c ff q L 0 Q z I 1 al C 1 0 a 4 Z I 1 0 Z 0 3 n oe I 1 0 A IN D u ca LTV d 11 a v Q REPAIR I 1 is ING A 1 k A I 1 HOLD EN u I 1 c CO fl latuff ov 9 ig 4 r 1 I 1 4 D alf ia 0 i C 0 goebal 4 lor u h arai 0 7 Z V V z CI I 1 Z 41 A Y stephenson it SORT I 1 I 1 1 p k coo UT W 9 4 I 1 i i it ir Z J 0 a a a c fia A 3 Z r 6 cf w |