Show BIGGEST EST I 1 lop 11 I 1 r 1 1 1 awo awoke ce to fl ing ahti nii bed J attix nu DU ahr throat at 11 1 7 1 I 1 I 1 tho the highest scare scare I 1 ever had S a lice captain apt aln jack campbell past S onis I 1 ashe asat sal swapping storie atz alei ith ai a party afy of friends was long ban b before aim 0 1 J jol ened the police it happened the mountains of Tenn tennessee essec when T I 1 was aboy a boy about IG years yd jd J was tr vecina traelic tra elin across ceross the tha country con nt rv oft horseback ow on in ah errand forrand for buy aly father and about dark lcarl came to a tavern called me mc brides inn where I 1 put up for tha night nig ht owing 0 uy to the crowded ca con n ol of W the tavern ra 17 I 1 was corne to share my bed with stranger whose appearance was I 1 anything but bix 11 grepo prepo prepossessing he was one of cf the looking cu customers I 1 ever saw b but aa i t as there was n no 0 vacant bed I 1 in a the he house use I 1 bad hado no alternative altermat alt ernat ye but buk to alef sleep p with him we retired early but somehow or other I 1 could not sleep I 1 tried to q engage my bedfellow bed fellow in conversation fut but as he was surly ala uncommunicative I 1 gave laup towards morning I 1 was awakened out of a little littie catnap cainap L by my companion moving about in the lie bd d on lookin looking 9 around ct hinl was somewhat iston dished at beholding essm alm sitting bola bol upright uprights 3 but bi 6 the next minute my astonishment ebmer A was turned to bror at seeing him reach under his hi r i s pillow and draw alforth forth a raz calf Z T tho thought sure my time had come aud that he intended to murder me I 1 was just on the point of making an attempt to wrest res tt the weapon from his grasp wal when en to my horror he threw back oa ek ats has head hea headband dand an d i drabin drawing c the blade di 0 afie ra razor zor across ross tila hiis neck nearly severed vereil ie hi shead from his body the blood blond guided forth in tor rants and h he a fall fell back on the pillow without a ii 8 it happened in a good deal less time than it has taken me t to tell fell it but as soon as 1 J I saw 0 had do don no e I 1 I 1 gave a yelland 3 rel Lland Dp Z p ringing gin faut out of bed jumped through the window taking slash sash and abid all with in me a Lucle Lu cicily ily for foe ante ft e the room was on the ground floor but it it had been on the top floor of 0 f a 30 16 story buildings would havo gone through tha just t the he same same when I 1 got iny nerves quie quieted teil down a little I 1 alarmed tho and they bad the body taken care of ro ho one ever identified the man ani ani what cause led him to io commit we atie i I 1 rash nic act thas has alev always cyp remained a mystery |